
Monstrous Café => Mayday! Mayday! => Topic started by: nrveggie on January 19, 2009, 08:46:27 PM

Title: I need help -- awakening
Post by: nrveggie on January 19, 2009, 08:46:27 PM
I am 16, and I have been thinking for quite some time now that I may be in the process of awakening as HLV.

I have been to the doctor, and I am not anemic. Physically I am perfectly healthy, and there is no history of mental illness in my family.

I feel confused. I want blood. I live in a small and conservative town, and I am afraid to express these feelings to anyone. I asked my mother what she would think if I was, hypothetically a vampire or if I drank blood...and she told me that if that was the case she's have me committed to a mental hospital. My father's reaction was similar.

What do I do? I am a naturally solitary person; can I stay on my own with this or should I seek out others like me? Where and how do I get blood?!?
Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: Daemonin on January 19, 2009, 08:56:14 PM
Well, let's say for a minute you are not a vampire and we will go from there.  (I apologize if this is brief, but I can only think about blood for so long.  Koolaid, think koolaid...)

Could you describe in better detail what your cravings are like?

But, to go ahead and address the "where to get" and "who to go to"  I would definitely try to find someone that you can trust and also to find a tested blood donor.  I am no vampire, so my knowledge is limited about how to go about these things.
Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: Vince_03 on January 19, 2009, 08:58:05 PM
what's HLV??

medically speaking, if you actually drink blood in large quantities, you'd get sick for real. i don't know. maybe this isn't exactly vampirism. maybe you just have a blood lust for something
Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: Deathsbane on January 19, 2009, 10:09:16 PM
The scenario in which you are in could lead to multiple conclusions, and before we come to one, we must use details and come up with facts to prove whether or not you are an H. L. V. (Human Living Vampire). First off, just because you crave blood does not really make you a vampire so first we're going to require more behavioral detail on your behalf to speculate.

As for your situation with your critical and unsavory parents who seem to jump the gun/stake a bit... We need to be careful to whom we disclose such delicate information. Your thirst for blood could result from a lack of iron and your body in search of it in a form which is somewhat natural/unnatural to others. We would have to do things such as: 1. Give you a piece of animal meat such as a raw steak and pay close attention to your attraction to it., 2. Test you for unwanted pests within your being to see if you've been invaded by an outside force., 3. Check your reactions to things such as sleeping habits, communicative habits, sensory habits, and even pain receptor response system check-ups.

Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: Ryobi on January 20, 2009, 03:12:32 AM
If you think you're a Sang then you should get some more check-ups first, like what has been suggested. However in the mean time drink juice, lots of it and eat bananas these seem to help. Try not to go near blood you won't be able to taste, the strange behaviour will make people suspicious.

Can you tell us some of your other symptoms that lead you to believe you're a vampyre?
Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: Moloch on January 20, 2009, 01:23:37 PM
Allow me to point out the not-so-obvious: A lack of something does not disprove its existence.

In other words; just because there is no history of mental illness in your family, does not mean you have no mental health issues. You should still be seen by a competent mental health professional and evaluated. Keep in mind however, that until you reach the legal age of adulthood in your area, your parents will most likely be informed as per the requirements of the local laws of your country or state.

Good luck with this, believe it or not, if this is indeed true Sanguinarianism, you got off lucky and easy. The other types are much more difficult for most to live with.
Title: Re: I need help -- awakening
Post by: EternalEquinox on February 03, 2009, 04:15:41 PM
Well. If you're not able to obtain blood, go for some subs. Things that are high in iron or sugars or spices help.
My personal favorites are

-Bloody Mary mix (The spicey kind by Mrs. Ts)
-Iron supplements
-Strong flavored juices, like pinapple juice

Things that could also help may be
-rare cooked steaks
-sour things, like war heads.

These will get your mind off blood for a little while. Thats my only suggestion to help you out until you can actually find a donor to get blood from.

As for your parents, sometimes it's better not to ask them, because they usually will not understand such a topic. Better off checking out different websites, such as ( (They have good in-depth factual information)
