Started by Sea_myth_creations, June 18, 2004, 06:11:18 PM

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Greetings ,

About a year ago I was flipping channels and found a cable tv show
about mysteries from around the world .

The segment I caught was about small people that grew from a plant/bush/vine ?    They showed 3 specimans that were found for sale in a market in southeast Asia ( if I recall correctly ) .  Each about a foot high ...they looked like little mimmified people ....brown and bony .

I did'nt think much until the cameraman zoomed in for a extreme closeup ....that is when I was blown away !    The details were amazing...I could see hair growth patterns ...that did not look to be ' glued on ' ...they looked like real hair growth patterns .  ( kinda like the details you see when you examine an authentic human shrunken head )  Details such as pores , hair patterns are almost impossible to fake .  I know because I am an artist in the business of replicating such things .

The top of the head of the plant person mummy ....looked like it had once been attached to a vine .   This thing looked like a cross between a human and a plant .    I have a theory about how these were made , but I could be wrong .   Whoever made these plant people ,  is a master artist .

I could'nt find out what the name of the this tv show was .....I have never found anyone else who saw this show or knows of these plant people .

I asked  the Ripley people, once , and they ignored me ...something that would be up their alley and they did'nt even care or want to know anything about this .   ( their loss )

If anyone can help me to get a copy of this show ...I would pay good money for it .

Best regards,  Juan Cabana

this show also had a segment on full grown elephants , ( also dried up )
that would fit in your hand !   these were also amazing ...but I am more interested in the plant people . ( i'll tell you what i know of these little elephants if anyone is interested )

if the plant people were not crafted by someone...then they were real ...but ' real ' can be taken in 2 ways .

best regards, Juan

The show that featured the plant people was called Beyond Bizarre. I do not believe it had the elephants though. These shows( Beyond Bizarre, Ripley's) often use the same footage and such so it could have possibly been on another program as well. I do have portions of this particular episode on vhs( rec straight form tv) including the entire part about the plant people. It is really fascinating.

Hello Tsuliod

Thank you for your reply .   Would you sell me a copy ?   it is ok if you don't have the shrunken elephant story , as I am more interested in the plant people .    Would it be possible to a copy on DVD ?  , if not , VHS is ok .  Let me know a fair price for you .  Or if you want to trade something ...let me know your interests , maybe I have something you would want .

Best regards, Juan Cabana   ( Tampa , Florida )

I searched around the web and found out there are 7 vhs tapes of the show  Beyond Bizarre .

Does anyone have these tapes ?   Are the 7 tapes the entire run of this show ?    is the segment on the small mummy plant people in any of the 7 tapes ( if so ...which ? )

thanks for any help , anyone out there .


man,i have seen the show.they were just mandrake roots,how can u be so easy to be was bull s**t.
Incoherence disrupts your rationale
Involuntary your last confessional
No sense of being missing segments of time
Inconsistency is feeding on your mind

man,i have seen the show.they were just mandrake roots,how can u be so easy to be was bull s**t

...DDverni , what are you saying man ?  

how was I tricked ?    I never said I thought these were once real people .

I am interested in getting a copy or at least someone telling me HOW TO GET A COPY ., of this particular show .

so why do you feel that you have to come to my posting to insult me ?

I don't give a rat's ass what you think . I know what I saw ....maybe you saw something else.....Mandrake ?  what makes you the expert ?

I'll give you a couple hundred dollars you find one, since you think these plant people are so simple to create .

If it so common , then why is there none around ? why is it noone even knows about them ?

Sea Myth,
Since its not a proper tape, I can't justify selling it. Maybe we can make a trade or something? Or even maybe you could send me a blank tape and postage return box.  What is your e-mail?

I do not have the resources to transfer it from vhs to dvd.
I  love odd films ( usually horror. ) Let me know what movies you have to copy.  Also am an avid reader of Fortean Times magazine (you'd prob dig it, Sea Myth!)
Btw, your work is excellent. Do you sell these? and also, do you take commissioned works?

Hello Friend ,

I don't mind if all I can get is a copy on vhs , that would be fine .

We could work out a trade or I'll send you a tape .

Best regards, Juan :wink:

Due to the kindness of member Tsuliod , I acquired a copy of Beyond Bizarre #8 .  The plant mummies are called NAREE PON ,  they come from Thialand .   Another member mentioned maybe these little mummies being Mandrake . Naree Pons are not mandrake roots .
On the web you can buy Beyond Bizarre 1 - 7 , many places .
Number 8 can be bought( at one specific site ) , but you will first recieve a form to sign , agreeing that you will not make copies to resell .
I also found the man who made the original film , that was sold to Beyond Bizzare .   He told me recently that the Naree Pons had been moved to another Temple , due to several attempts of thieves to steal the rare Naree Pons .