wth could it have been?

Started by Anchitiquia, March 15, 2010, 04:05:56 AM

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I was just wondering. I know I'm a very paranoid person at heart. But I've been living in the house my dad died in and i haven't felt right since I've lived there.

I currently live alone. On some nights I'll be playing a game or something on the computer and get this sudden rush of fear that something is out to harm me. Normally it only happens when i think about it or i excite myself but here lately it happens for no reason.

I was sitting at my computer chair playing D2 magic finding hell mode Mephisto. I was in the middle of teleporting to durnace level 3 and i got this really bad feeling someone was behind me. At that point normally I'm not alarmed because i usually finish doing what I'm doing and "then" look back/up what have you.

The feeling was so bad that i jumped out of my chair and grabbed my knife that was on a table across the room. (it was a reflex from fear, naturally if it can pass through walls your not doing anything with a knife or gun.)

The feeling intensified up till i couldn't stay in the house anymore. I felt safer in the woods behind the house than anywhere near the thing. Promptly after about 30 minutes to an hour of staying out of my own house i went back.

This has happened several times even in broad daylight. One of my last straws was when i couldn't convince myself it was in my head anymore. The back glass to a mirror was vibrating so i investigated. I noticed in the mirror my eyes was completely dilated (there was paper thin or more color it was mostly all black). As i stared at myself i went to touch my eyes with my hands. Almost immediately the wood burning picture my dad had hung over this mirror fell and hit my hand that i was raising to touch my face.

I was like OK calm down. its just coincidence cause demons have bothered me before. Knowing I'm different i just shrugged it off. (I know i have told alto of different stories on this web site. If you read any of them then you know at least one of the many reasons I'm being bothered by them. Anyway....)

:focus: This is the reason i posted this. After i calmed down i got a sandwich and drink and was walking to my bedroom. As i entered the hallway i heard a loud thwack. The only way i can describe it. It sounded like a person was running full speed and hit head first into the wall and i heard the thump when they struck the ground.

Before i even realized what i had done i was already at the front door to my house with the screen open and just froze standing in the open door. I was daring anything to come out of that room down the hall. I would have been GONE. I used to be a great warrior but thats not me anymore. I'm a human shaped chew toy now. and the difference between hero and idiot is the survival rate. I chose run.

I hadn't been in that room in over an hour (considering my computer is not in my bedroom its in the living room) before the incident. After i got the courage to check the room of course nothing was there, and no pictures fell, nothing was moved, no heavy objects had fallen, nothing was in the floor, the outside of the trailer wasn't bent where the room was NOTHING. Trust me i looked for a reason.

Having heard this i wanted to ask the kind people of Monstrous. wth can take on physical form and hit something. I mean if it was a poltergeist (MY dad) it could only have thrown an object. (Also nothing had any temperature difference of hot or cold to note of, also no smell usually sulfur is what i smell) The room is so small no one could actually start running anyway. I'm baffled.

The whole eyes dilating, speaking in unknown languages, hearing other voices, being woke up by a voice saying your going to die when falling asleep at the wheel of a car, knowing things i can't have possibly known, healing small headaches etc., and telling people when something is about to happen is normal for me. Its all intangible. Something i can just shrug off and say YES i am weird.

But actually hearing a loud sound that is unexplainable after my eyes dilated and the experience scared me half to death. Ummmm....... I decided i should ask some of you people What the hell could that have been? "Seeing as how i only have many points of view and you are all so many more" as my buddy Legion would put it lol.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

March 15, 2010, 03:38:46 PM #1 Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 03:53:35 PM by Anchitiquia
I didn't know that about steel.

No, the woods are nearby but its 18 acres i own and its all field. the woods are surrounding that. Like i mentioned i checked the outside of the trailer too. No damage. I don't know what else it could have been. Yes a couple of trees had grown beside the back of the trailer but i cut all those down cause the scraping annoyed me.

If something could pass through walls how would a knife help? I'm not familiar with any magical properties. Alchemy and the like. (never needed it before for survival, plenty of enchanters and armorers to pay). Does it have something to do with what its made of? like Salt for protective circles and jazz (which I've only heard never tried).

Also the noise came from the inside wall making the other side of the wall (which is the hall) vibrate. It couldn't have been an animal unless it was a mouse inside the wall. Even then it should have chewed a hole or something for the sound of the thwack it had made.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

Quote from: Ladygriffin on March 15, 2010, 06:19:24 AM
You wrote the woods are near by.... can the thumping from the room have been an animal - say a deer - rubbing it's antlers on the wall? It happens where I live. They use the corners of the house as a convenient way of taking care of itches. It can sometimes sound as if they are IN the house - instead of outside.

And grabbing a knife is actually a good reflex when dealing with entities. Putting sharp steel between you and the entity protects you.

  One should first identify the entity to determine what sort of metal would suffice for protection.  Iron for Fae, silver for Wolves, etc.....  Most knives people buy today are cheap Pakistan steel that simply looks cool.  That crap will get you hurt.

  An ch, did Daddy have a problem with people playing Vid games?  I ask because I at one time was upon the pinnacle of D2 East.  There was nothing that I did not already have, hell I even came up with a few characters that people wondered at (meaning they did not understand how it could survive a solo hell run.  One being my Ranger Pally who 's main weapon was the Widow Maker)  I bring this up because person experience tells me it takes time, a "LOT" of time to get your char. just right.  Would he approve of all that time spent playing?

  Could be a Ghost easy.  Ghost will often use mirrors to communicate.  Sometimes it is good messages, sometimes not.  Changing your appearance would be a way of getting your attention.  You want to know who it is you are going to have to ask.  If you are untrained at communicating I suggest you find someone who is to get your answer.  If you have no intrest in knowing whom it is then get your local religious head to perform an exorcism, that should in a nutshell fix all your whoas.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

what's so special about steel from Sweden? do they use a different mix or ores?

Got chefs knives. Good quality. Will those work?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

March 16, 2010, 07:34:59 AM #5 Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 07:37:14 AM by Anchitiquia
Yeah Muerte dad never was too fond of video games. lol He blamed them for the reason mom left. hahaha

mom left cause he was sleeping with another woman..... um i think thats more obvious.

Lol i like your idea. "Ranger" pally. hmmm... what did you do 33% deadly and guided arrow them to death with conviction on? lmao

I started playing cause the Necro. I like the werewolf now though lol. Had a ethereal breath of the dying thunder maul on-line i would go around one or two hit smiting pvp hammerdins with. They would laugh ooohhh a werewolf so scared. CRACK. SO dead . anyway.

Wonder how many people know Muerte means dead in Spanish? Resident evil 4 Mweday Mweday lol.

:focus: It could definitely be dad i guess. he didn't pass in the house though. he "technically" died in the hospital. Does that make a difference? Where a person was at at the time of departure.

Mom always said he was too mean to pass on. lmao. The whole thing in the mirror is normal for me. The picture falling on my hand and then a few minutes later that happening is not.

I'm not too freaked out about the eyes dilating for a couple of reasons. The things that have possessed me fail miserably. Soulhead eats them. On a more logical note the eyes do that when someone is dying, being possessed, and i found out a third reason through research. Extreme love or hatred for something causes it as well. Things that can't hurt me but want too, hate me pretty bad so they are just letting me know the only insignificant way they can. Boo hahaha

If it is father dearest I'd like to get a communicator. I loved dad just not his habits. exorcising him without finding out what he wants would be rude.

So you really think it was him? (even without temperature evidence or the fact he didn't die in the house rather at the hospital)
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

Yeah at the time of his incident he lived alone and owned the house. (even though grandma and grandpa are the ones that ended up finishing the payments)
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

Panic attacks and paranoia could be some kind of psychological thing, I'd really suggest seeing someone about it if it's happening often.

Other than that, a thwack noise, and vibrations that shook a mirror and made a picture fall? I'm not sure what caused them, but they're hardly inexplicable occurances. But it's easy to see how you might have seen them if you're in a paranoid state of mind. As I said, if it's happening a lot I'd suggest seeing someone.

Physical things have only happened at the house.

Thank you for your interest in my mental health but I'm paranoid to keep myself sane.

My paranoia breeds doubt which in turn allows me to question myself. In doing so i ask myself constantly why things happen the way they do and seeing that i am in deed crazy.

People that don't think they ARE crazy are crazy. Thats why i know I'm insane but thank you for the advice fatass.   :-D
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?