
Witches Brew => The Book of Shadows => Topic started by: Rocket on December 11, 2009, 04:42:12 PM

Title: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Rocket on December 11, 2009, 04:42:12 PM
I was on the internet earlier looking up random things when i stumbled upon this chant that has apparently been used for years by many different people, here it is:

Hail, Hail the great Wolf Spirit!
Aboon I ask thee, oh mightly shade,
Within this circle i have made,
Make me a werewolf strong and bold,
The terror alike to young and old.

Grant me a figure tall and spare,
The speed of the Elk, the claw of the Bear.
The poison of Snakes, the wit of the Fox.
The stealth of the Wolf, the strength of the Ox.
The jaws of the Tiger, the teeth of the Shark.
The eyes of the Owl that see in the dark.

Make me climb like the Monkey,
Scent of the Dog,
Swim like a Fish,
And Eat like a Hog.

But before you do this, you have to draw a circle in the ground and then you resite this chant.
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Raziel on December 17, 2009, 09:30:07 AM
did this actually work?
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Moloch on December 17, 2009, 10:43:06 AM
Of course it didn't; stop playing, Raz, lol.
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Lupus on December 17, 2009, 12:32:36 PM
funny this. ive come across one that goes like this

“Hail, hail, hail, great Wolf Spirit, hail
A boon I ask thee, mighty shade,
Within this circle I have made.
Make me a werewolf strong and bold,
The terror alike of young and old.”

Elect of all devilish host, I pray you send hither, the great gray shape that makes men shiver. Come! Come! Come!"
I beg, I pray, I implore thee-thee unparalleled Phantom of Darkness-to make me a werewolf
Melt the bullet, blunt the knife, rot the cudgel, strike fear into man, beast and reptile so they may not seize the gray wolf, nor tear his from his warm hide. My word is firm, firmer than sleep or the strength of heroes.

funny how they all sound the same
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Levinthross on December 19, 2009, 11:21:12 PM
does anyone realize here that the first "werewolf" by popculture standards was a poor man who was cursed by zeus right?
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Lupus on December 20, 2009, 04:38:25 AM
ah yes , the tale of Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who was turned into a ravenous wolf in retribution for attempting to serve his own son to visiting Zeus in an attempt to disprove the god's divinity.
Title: Re: Cursed Werewolf Chant
Post by: Muerte on December 20, 2009, 09:25:38 AM
ah yes , the tale of Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who was turned into a ravenous wolf in retribution for attempting to serve his own son to visiting Zeus in an attempt to disprove the god's divinity.

  Hence the term Lycan.