Monstrous Music & Games > RPGs and Gaming

were party!!!

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oh yah? let's see you take on this..*brings out a big bottle of absinthe*...don't let it get your toungue.... :-D

*Take a shot of absinthe and feels dizzy for half a second*
wow....maybe i shouldnt of made such a challenge...

ok whos next?!

try this...*takes out a big tumbler and pours in absinthe and vodka at the same time then gives it a twist of lemom*..well bottom's up....*finishes the entire tumbler and feels dizzy* was...*becomes disoriented and loses balance and falls on wolf girl*

whoa! take it easy!
*barely holds vince up and they both fall on the floor*

"geez  lets not  make this look like a compromising
we still have some more drinking to do!"

*laughs and gently slaps vinces face*
"cmon, dont pass out on me now!"

*suddenly laughs and gets up*...oh you...i was only playing....  :-D


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