
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Multi-weres. Could it happen?

Started by whitedemonwolf, December 20, 2011, 03:07:41 AM

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Been giving this a lot of thought and I've decided to ask my question here. Could someone have more than one were type? As an example, a person is a tiger were but also an otter were. Mainly asking because I believe I may be one. But I'm thinking also that if this were true, then either the presence of more than one dilutes the strength of all. Or that there is a primary and secondary(ies) with only one that is the main influence on that person's personality and actions. I'd like to hear any thoughts on this from skeptics and those more incline to trust. Believe me, I've thought long and hard about this.


People pay too much attention to things that really dont matter. Why is it soooo important if you are this or that breed? If you have wolf side awake, putting it into some other animal or dog breed and paying so much attention to it doesnt make you more aware. Try to switch your thoughts to a different current. It is not you that is multiple were type. It is you that is diluting the strength if you feel like that, but the truth is, being more connected to things can only give you more strength.

Also, if one is connected with the animal side of him/her self, that doesnt instantly make him a were. I was thinking a lot about this. Many young people feel alienated to this screwed up world. They dont wanna be part of this charade, so they find comfort in the only thing they feel natural- MOTHER NATURE. They seek power energies of strong and wise animals (which is oh, but sooo old in human culture) cause this society doesnt offer any.

Being aware of any animal or plant energy in ourselves doesnt make us less human. It makes us more human. Sadly, most of us forgot that :)

I know this is a bit of rant, but I hope it at least gives a bit of light.


I'm a bit confused as to what you mean.
Quote from: Nina on December 20, 2011, 03:59:37 AM
Why is it soooo important if you are this or that breed? If you have wolf side awake, putting it into some other animal or dog breed and paying so much attention to it doesnt make you more aware.

That's not what I meant. I gave an example of a person being both tiger and otter were. As emotions seem to give us different "sides" I was thinking that maybe each were aspect of a "multi" might exist separate from the other but still be part of the same person. I hope you understand my meaning.


Yes, i do understand believe it or not. I hope you understood what i said as well ;) It is very important not to let our mind divide these energies within. People that feel they got multiple were types are still what they are. It shouldnt make them more confused, it is making them more powerful. But not cause of the were thing. It is how Earth works.


I think I get it now. It's just knowing you are a were, and in knowing you can usually tell where the animal ends and the human side begins. With me, there are things that are definitely wolf and definitely human. Then there are things that are definitely neither, that just make myself and others ask "What the hell was that about?!" All I'm after in this life spiritually is a greater understanding of self. And this thread resulted. Referencing the first post, I said "may be" not any absolute affirmative. I'm not jumping to conclusions. That is one of the biggest mistakes any animate being can make.


Ah, but!

What if today we define and see humans totally wrong? Thousands of years ago, being aware that we have animal spirit  guides, protectors within and with us.... was the most natural thing. I repeat, it is not making us less human, or weird. Quite contrary.


I have said nothing to the contrary. As I believe that the were aspect of myself and others is an extension of oneself that is rooted within our being but is also mildly separate, almost like a symbiotic relationship in nature. Where both (or all, whichever it may be) benefit from the other without doing harm.


On the philosophical point of view, it is not possible to be two things different at the same time. Moreover, therians usually find it hard to maintain even ONE animal spirit. On the other hand, a few monsters have the ability to turn into several different animals: myth or reality?
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


no offense, but if it actually mattered, i guess it is possible to have more than one animal side to you, depending on what your ancestors's therian sides were. for example, say an ancestor from my moms side of the family was a fox therian, and another on my dads side was a coyote therian, i COULD be a double therian, if i was even one at all(metaphorically speaking)
"We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your destiny" -Sovereign

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