
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Started by Kiroy, April 10, 2012, 03:08:47 PM

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Hello everyone! Obviously I am new. I would like to get people's thoughts on this:

I used to have many many dreams, sometimes multiple nights in a row, about me transforming into a werewolf or a wolf. But then I had one dream last year where I met a male wolf and it's mate and it looked at me angrily and annoyed and then they ran off. Something else happened other than that though...

My first relationship that I was in.. I'm not even sure what happened.. But I had the urge to... Um well urinate on things. Not just go a lot (which is also what occurred) but on like my stuff in my room, the living room, etc.. It was crazy. And my current girlfriend has told me that she and her brother and her fiancée are wolves. I was just drawn to that and something inside me was interested in that. She told me also that she feels a connection with me and believes that I am a wolf also but it isnt awakened. I have no idea what is going on or if anything is.

Please, if anyone has any thoughts or may know what's going on then please message me or add a comment. Thanks.


Oh and to add to this, no i don't believe those movies. I enjoy them from time to time but i don't believe that they are real. Thought that may help some people on here. My previous post should still be read by the way if anyone reading this one already hasn't.


Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or clinical depression? Have you spoken about your dreams / anxiety / confusion / urine paraphilia with your healthcare provider?


Haha no I am perfectly healthy. The urine thing happened only a few times and that was before the dreams stopped. But no I find it gross. And I do not have those things, none runs in the family, havent rly had any problems until those dreams kicked up and then when they ended after that one I havent done anything like that. But I assure u, I'm healthy and not into that weird urine stuff. So anyone else got any other thoughts or may know feel free to message me or post a comment.

Thanks by the way for replying.


More info tho, I have gotten angry a few times in my life and what happens is I just want to kill that person and go ballistic. But I've dealt with it and repressed it so much that it hardly even happens any more. Don't think it even means anything but there's possibilities that these things could. I'm a bit skeptical about this so not sure if any of this means anything or if it would just be nothing. But guess I'll never know.


The reason I ask those things - in what might seems a rather frank manner - is because they are often associated with the diagnosis of clinical Lycanthropy, so best to get it out of the way at the outset. As Konstantinos quite rightly says in Werewolves: The Occult Truth: "Delusion does not make for much of an occult study but we have to keep it in mind when it seems the most likely explanation. Weeding out pseudo-phenomena is a must."


Yes I understand. But I assure you that I am healthy. I tried to come up with other possibilities also and got lost with coming up with any so might have thought that my girlfriend was right that I may be a wolf but it isn't awakened. But I'm not 100% positive on that but I do not have really any other explanation for my body wanting to urinate on things when I didn't want to and actually TRIED to stop but it ended up happening anyway. And in that dream where the wolf was angry with me, we were talking but I cannot remember what it was we had said. But the urine thing was before that dream, and when all those other incredibly high amount of dreams of me transforming into a wolf were happening. After that one though, I have not had any problems, nor am I easily angered. I have no idea if it was coincidence or if it is legitly so that I am an unawakened wolf.

Thank you again for posting and still looking for thoughts or if anyone may know message or leave a post. Thanks!


Ok random update, but I feel that I have an actual connection with wolves. And something inside me pulls me to the were thing and to wolves. And not the dumb movie ones but the real life ones. Like I'm not even sure why honestly. Thought about other things it could be but it just doesn't fit together with all the info I have put besides that I am a wolf that is unawakened.


How do you know how a wolf feel like? Have you ever been with wolves or observed them in the wild? If you claim to be a wolf -- then you must be able to ascertain some characteristics of this species. Night vision, super-strengh, accute smell, endurance, .... not to mention the full moon effect ;)
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

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