The Animal Within > The Otherkin & Therians

Do You Have a Spirit Animal?

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"SPIRIT ATTEMPTS TO COMMUNICATE with us in a number of different ways and it’s up to us to become better listeners, no matter how these messages come to us. One of the most accessible ways is through animals. Whenever an animal shows up in an unusual way or repeatedly in a short space of time—whether it’s the physical animal or a symbol of an animal—it’s one way Spirit tries to reach us and teach us.

When this happens there’s a lot more going on than you might expect. In these instances it’s not just the animal or the life force that animates that particular animal, but much bigger than that. The oversoul of that species has sent a representative to offer you a message, to resonate with your spirit-consciousness and offer you guidance along your spiritual path."

rest at Heal Your Life

I've always found the topic of Spirit Animals very interesting.  The one animal that never seems to have left my side is the Crow.  They have warned of the good and the bad in my life, which is very helpful to say the least.  When a crow is ever around, I always know to be on my toes. 

Same here. Crows just have a thing for me. They always message me in some way when Im about to face something tricky in my life. But in my dreams, my guiding ones are wolves and horses.

See animals never usually come to me in dreams for some reason or at least not that I remember.  I guess I haven't delved that deep yet.  I've tried the meditation ,but spirit animals usually aren't the ones that show up.  Maybe in flashes I see the animal in question, such as the last time I kept catching small glimpses of a Mountain Lion ,but usually something else unsavory shows up, and then I have to force myself out of the meditative state in question.

Hm, maybe there just wasn't a need for one to come up in a dream? *shrugs* First time wolves came to me was when i was just a child, i didn't even get my period yet.


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