The Darker Side > Demons, Demonology and The Devil

Need a bit of Help with things

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Hello my name is Dustin and let start off.

A few months ago i meet a good friend over the internet is name is "Zach" well we started talking and a week later we were swell pals well we started talking so he started telling me things about demons and many other things well i said do you now anything i can do to get into well lets say summoning and iteracting with demons and he said yes well i tried asking for a demon to come to me well lets say i worked and for the short time the demon was there (like 3 weeks or so) it dint talk or interact with me but i would see it at radom just watching me at first it scared the crap out of but then not so much.Well something did happen to me thinking back during and after that i changed im open and i fill different but i changed for the better.
The thing that i dont understand is i tried a few low profile thing like the first time but i cant get anything to respond nor have i felt anything near me its odd to say but ive started and i want to go deeper and i now peaple who are reading this might  say are you crazy but im not kidding.

i have no realign im

All im asking is if anyone has anything that can help me into understanding demon and all things that few of us get to now i thank you if you can help because im at a stand still.

Thanks,From Dustin
PS.if you need any more info just ask anything that can help and sorry for bad spelling.   

I'm interested in what kind of ritual or summoning technique you used to get this "demon" to appear in your house/room. 

Could you explain in detail what you tried exactly?

read, read, and read some more.

The best way to understand them is to know where they originated from, it'll give you an idea of what to expect, how to attune to them and an idea of what can happen if you get to, comfortable with them.

On a side note, they are creatures derived from religious belief and spiritualism, if you don't have any of that you may look into getting some.

First of, welcome to the Monstrous Dustin :)

Second, I agree with jordyn on her statement. But i gotta add, dude, you dont need that in your life. Trust me on that. If you are an adrenalin freak, there are better ways to get that rush than playing with the dark forces.

You seem to have come to the conclusion that is it real, that it is a fact.  If I came to that conclusion, I would take Nina's advice and back off. 


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