MonsterVision > Classic Horror

Texas Chainsaw Massacre / 1974 version

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--- Quote from: prezhorusin04 on August 19, 2006, 01:26:09 PM ---did you ever see "Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Next Generation"?..

--- End quote ---

This was suppose to be a semi-remake/ WAS terrible...

The most recent TCM was good...just not AS good as the original.  The upcoming prequel TCM: The Beginning doesn't look to bad either.

Next Generation in my opinion was different from the rest not bad! :@0

The first time i seen this film was around halloween when i bought it from the co-op, i fell asleep that night with the buzz of a chainsaw in my ear. Haven't watched it since, but i guess i should 'cause after all it was 'ONLY' based on 'True' events.

This movie to me was one of the most overrated movies Ive ever seen. For years people talked about how intense it was and stuff, and yes it has an interesting story, but the movie just didn't live up to the hype. It was the "Blair witch Project" of its day and most of its hype was based on being about true events. With out that part the movie wouldn't have done nearly as well. And the use of the chainsaw, highly original for it's day, but seems more inspired by Lovecraft rather then actual people. The farmhouse in the middle of nowhere and the run down towns and forgotten places people find themselves on accident was much his style of horror.

This movie wasn't that good, it just got lucky is all. When Hooper had more money to work with he showed his true talent later on.

I think I was 11 when I first saw this movie. It was the very first horror movie I had ever seen and remains one of my favorites. It definitely started my love of scary movies. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Leatherface's character based on the serial killer Ed Gein? He's from my home state so it was always a much talked about movie here. We breed all kinds of winners in those remote back woods farmhouses like Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer.


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