The Animal Within > Monstrous Animals

Has a mythical beast turned up in Texas?

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Gee I wonder if it taste like chicken!!! :-o


--- Quote from: omnipotentbean61 on September 10, 2007, 07:53:00 PM ---Gee I wonder if it taste like chicken!!! :-o

--- End quote ---

no, since it eats goats, it will taste like goat!

well technically the lady said it had been killing her chickens so it must taste like chicken?

I believe they discussed this head on an episode of Monsterquest.  Test said it turned out to be a coyote I think, could be wrong.  I've always thought sightings of chupes were coyotes with mange anyways.  But thats just my opinion. :|  Other theories I've read about concern the possibly of pet primates set loose, possibly baboons, with their dog-like faces and massive canines.


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