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Mystical Experiences

Started by Daemonin, November 03, 2008, 02:30:44 PM

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From visions of angels to the bloody stigmata, an image in a puddle or an indescribable dream, mystical experiences are recorded in many different religions by many different people and during many different times.

Some may argue that these are just drug-induced hallucinations while others feel that a higher power has blessed these people with a mystical experience.

So here, I would like to discuss different mystical experiences and whether or not they must be present in religion, if religion must be present for these experiences, or if maybe the two are not linked in any way.

Examples:  Mother Mary statue/painting crying blood; vision of Jesus in the sky; A dream of an angel, saint, or deity; miracles of Jesus; Spirit walking; and a lot more.

Regina Terra

My Mom always said that the stigmata never happened cuz they were chosen, it happened cuz the person was so devoted, that their soul caused the body to create the signs on oneself.

If they WERE experiencing the Crucifixion of Jesus, then the stigmata would appear on the wrists, between the bones, instead of the palm.

That doesn't, in my opinion or hers, make it any less a spiritual/religious experience though.
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Apparently, though (if I can find the source) there IS a chance that the nails for the hands were actually stuck in a part of the hand, not the wrist.  There has been some sort of proof about it, but every time I try to look it up I get sick...

So, if someone could look that up please do because I have a stupid disability :-P

Regina Terra

I saw a documentary where they dug up the bones of someone crucified right in the decade that Jesus was, the "cross" was actually a giant T shape, with the top bar removable. So that explains Jesus walking with it across his shoulders. & the feet were tied to the sides, with the nail going in through the ankle, he still had one o them in his foot bone. It HEALED partially before he died, which just shows ow long he was left to suffer before he died.

You are probably right about the palms though.

:doh: Sorry for getting sidetracked here. :focus:
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


So, basically you are saying that a person's extreme faith is what caused the stigmata?

Anyone disagree? :-)

Edit:  Let's move on, shall we?

Has anyone ever had a mystical experience?  There are many definitions of a mystical experience, so feel free to debate what one is as well. 

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