Monstrous Music & Games > RPGs and Gaming


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--- Quote from: Tybalt on October 17, 2008, 01:19:30 PM ---(Its a rpg, if you want to try and live through the judgement back in Salem, go ahead, if you prefer your more high fantasy and fiction than a little playful history then don't play, though I can see why some of you would be afraid to play, I don't plan on making this sun shine, if you are scared at the end of this rpg that you will be hanged, then I have done my job correctly. Its a halloween RPG, its for horror, in the spirit of the season!!!)

--- End quote ---

ty, it's not that. it's just that i don't want to live through that time. they killed lots and lots of innocent people and i will not take part in running away. yes, i'm a were. i kill people but i kill for a reason and you don't see me being captured or standing in front of a trial or jury


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