
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Started by Levinthross, September 15, 2008, 06:58:32 PM

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i have visions while i sleep but lately its been becoming very hard to discern whats a vision or not because my dreams are becoming more and more realistic as they slowly start to resemble reality (my dreams loosely follow the same path my day takes) soo any advice
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Well, I can't help much if there aren't many details.

I have visions and then I have just normal, personally symbolic dreams.   I tend to document everything that I see, and in documenting I can sort out what seems to me to be a vision or a message to myself.  If you can write them down and think, you may be able to learn more.


its like the line between visions and dreams are burring and its having devestating effects like inaccurate visions or a slight reality warping
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Sometimes I have the same problem.  Once I had a dream that I was back in my home town at my actual old trailer. everything was exactly the way it was b4 I moved. The only main difference is that I worked at the krusty krab, was friends with everyone from futurama, and I was half ghost like danny phantom. lol, weird huh.
Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.


There is a really interesting state that happens sometimes in dreaming.
Its a state where we seem to be in the daily world but there are some really odd differences.
Its like we are in a layer of reality that is close to our daily awareness. Close, but not all the way there.

For example, I have a friend who experiences sleep paralysis quite a lot. He says that he is often lying on the bed and seeing the room all around him. Then the tv will start to flicker on and off. When he wakes up the tv is turned off so there is no way it could have been flickering.

I wonder if you are getting something similar here.

Dae's right about asking for more details though. Try typing up a whole dream episode and post it here. Its often a really helpful exercise. When its written out in front of you its somehow easier to understand whats going on.

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