
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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dream or out of body?

Started by bridigid, November 16, 2008, 07:09:25 AM

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for quite a while I have been experiencing something I do not understand.

I understand I go into a type of trance sometimes while asleep.
Sometimes I am IN other people.I am aware of still being me, but I see through their eyes, feel their emotions and sometimes excess their memories.One thing though...I am always their for their death. FEEL their death. All have had violent deaths, and I carry their pain back to my own body.Once inside an older gentleman I had a massive headache in the back of my head for days in the place he was shot.

What is this??any ideas... :?


I think you have described exactly what this is.
If you want a shorter title try 'dreaming other people' . There are many other names you could find for it.

I once went to a garden party at a friends house. He collected furniture and we were lounging around drinking sitting on all these objets d'art.
Out of nowhere I started experiencing what felt like a heart attack.
It stopped as soon as I got up.
Turns out I was sitting on a old hospital bed.

My heart is in great condition. I've had a full medical to verify this.
Despite my online name I am not that old.

I refuse to sit on that thing again though!

On other occassions I have been to sleep on buses boats etc and people next to me have woken up pretty freaked out as I have been running around in their dreams.

I think its just a matter of what our dreaming attention has learnt to focus on. Sounds like yours enjoys some extremely heavy stuff. Either that or an entity has taken you there in order to get off on your reactions to it. 

Sounds pretty upsetting though whatever the cause!

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