
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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How to induce nightmares

Started by oldbill4823, December 09, 2008, 01:38:03 PM

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 Acidentally I stumbled upon a reliable method for inducing nightmares at will.

I dont always enjoy horror fims but occasionally I will pay entry at the cinema to see something good.

This technique is relatively free however, and will relibly kick in several hours into your nocturnal experience.

The technique basically consists of eating as much cheap chocolate as possible before sleep.
I have found that this then produces the most intense 3d nightmares possible.
Usually I am aware in the dream-state that they are self induced, resulting in a certain amount of lucid relief from the onslaught.

If you are barmy enough to try this you may have to experiment with types of chocolate. I found that the high quality chocolates dont have the same kick as the three for the price of one stuff.

It really is a bit like going to the movies.
You know its not real but God does it ever make you wince during the bad bits.

I am reliably informed that nicotine patches worn whilst asleep will have the same effect. ie really bad nightmares.

Apple juice however will help with gaining lucidity ( with only mild scaryness involved ).
This last method I have again actually tested and verified myself.


QuoteIf you are barmy enough to try this you may have to experiment with types of chocolate. I found that the high quality chocolates dont have the same kick as the three for the price of one stuff.


How about for inducing them on someone...just curious

Hands nina a box of chocolates.....dont have any nitemares though
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


I have nightmares when I eat a lot of spicy, fat food. I think there was some experiment about connection of food/eating and dreams.....

mmmm, chocolate...... tnx you are such a heart!


Well Markus, to induce nightmares in someone else just place a nicotine patch on them either whilst they are asleep, or sneakily just before.

However it is a horrible thing to do and I cannot think of anyone I would do this to myself.


I found a few more.

How to Induce Nightmares

By eHow Health Editor
Difficulty: Moderate
Take a vitamin B6 pill about an hour before bedtime. The B6 has been proven to increase the intensity of dreams.
Think about what scares you most before you fall asleep at night. If your biggest fear is being stalked by a maniacal killer, imagine him hiding in your closet or under your bed. Concentrate on the scenario that works best for you, and let yourself drift off to sleep with these thoughts on your mind. Often our dreams center around the last thoughts we had before going to sleep.
Fall asleep watching a very scary movie. Again, pick a movie where the story plot coincides with a realistic fear for you. Or if reading is your preference, crawl into bed with a scary book.
Eat a snack while you are in bed watching that scary movie. Eating increases brain activity. Some people find that eating late at night causes them to have nightmares. Try spicy and salty foods, as these have a greater chance of helping you to induce nightmares.
Cover your head while you sleep. There is no medical proof of this, but many people have found that if they wear a hat to bed or pull the blankets up over their head, they can induce nightmares.
Slip on a pair of socks. While some people believe covering their head induces nightmares, other people have found the same effect if they cover their feet while sleeping.


For Gods sake Leshy dont let Nina see this!

I've heard shes put on 10 kilos since the first post in this thread.

Regina Terra

It's the breaking of habit part, you make a habit of not wearing socks,or hats to bed each night, so when you DO, it changes stuff.

I wear socks 24/7 even when asleep, cuz it's so freezing here. But the one night I didn't, I had nightmares. o.0
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


I agree with Regina, but about step 5. I have had the habit of sleeping with my head and eyes covered since I was about four or five, so I guess that would only apply for people that don't do it often because I definitely don't have that many nightmares.  The chocolate, though?  Yeah... Zombies :cry:


And then there are people who absolutely can't fall asleep under certain circumstances. For instance I absolutely can't fall asleep if I'm wearing socks, pants, shirts with any amount of a sleeve, or a hat.

And the nicotine patch thing does work. I tried to quit smoking a while back and I wore the patch and I had nightmares every night I wore one.
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