
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Started by Mahalia, December 20, 2008, 07:16:13 PM

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hey people i dont have dreams what does that mean???  :?


Everyone dreams, but it is a matter of remembering them.  Um... We've discussed this somewhere else around the dreaming section... Hmmmm....

Well, there are a lot of factors that could be keeping you from remembering your dreams.  Going to bed when you're totally exhausted, waking up in the middle of it, specific foods... I'm sure there are other factors, but those are the few I can think of off the top of my head.  It also just depends on what your brain can do.  No two people are exactly the same, so I would think that the same goes for dream abilities ranging from lack of memory of dreams to constant dream lucidity.  If you are someone that just naturally cannot remember your dreams when you want to, you have to train yourself somehow, whether by new sleep schedule, diet, etc.

Let's see what other people say :-)


It means that either, you jerk off too much or you are a robot. *<:)

But seriously. I;d ask old bill or vivid(where the hell did he go anyway?) they seem to know alot about dreams.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I agree with Dae, you do dream (everyone does) its just a case that you are not remembering them.

A little bit of dedicated practice in this area might easily change this.

Really though, are you bothered by not remembering them?


There are some theories that people who dont remember their dreams have been abducted, not necessarily their body, but their astral one.....


ok thanks. does not eating meat have anything to do with dreams??? and yer im bothered by not having dreams. its not normal not to have dreams!


In this case there may well be a link.

See if I can explain it with a story.

Summer just gone I got quite ill. Repeated heat stroke from forcing myself to work in full sun for too long, too many days at a time. Stupid really but there you go.
Heat stroke is pretty bad as it is but several doses of it in short succession really got to me. Symptoms included poor memory, extreme mood swings (really extreme) tirdness, poor concentration and insomnia, plus complete innability to dream (or remember them )

My wife  has amongst other things studied acupuncture and Chinese medecine. So the following diagnosis and treatment comes from that viewpoint.

Basically she said I had fried my yin energies. They had literally been roasted. Yin energies are basically things related to the spirit of a person. The inner stuff if you like. Being out in the sun like that all summer had dried out much of this softer energy in me. Like over boiling something and the liquid just evaporates.

The actual diagnosis was that I had depleted the blood energy in me. In terms of Chinese medecine the spirit resides in the blood. A strong spirit needs strong healthy blood as its source.

So one of the ways I sorted this out was by eating tons of red meat in order to enhace the blood energy in me. It took a couple of weeks to recover properly and I was still a bit low for a while after. But the change to diet sorted it out. I just had to concentrate on sorting out my blood. The rest happened naturally. Dreaming returned to normal and I started to sleep properly again. The moods and emotions balanced out (thank god) and I got some concentration back.

It may be (and I stress the word may) that you have a similar issue. Not eating meat can cause a blood deficiency. Its typical amongst vegetarians. Some of the symptoms can include those I have outlined above.

Its difficult and probably foolish to give a diagnosis based on a few comments. So dont treat this as such. I highly recommend acupuncture and chinese medicine for many many problems and it may be that it could help in this case. They would certainly be able to give a complete accurate and informed opinion by dealing with you in person.

Just some thoughts for you.


Thanks that might be why. ill try it. THANKS

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