
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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assassination dream.

Started by onishadowolf, April 09, 2009, 03:25:53 PM

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Ok I think my spell check messed that one up.Lol!

Beware a little graphic.
This is how my dream started;  Watching the bathhouse slash Giesha house, I waited in shadows of the forest for the young girl to leave the room. When she left I crept my way to entrance of the room across the courtyard garden. I silently slide the panel open and closed. The mark was lying on his stomach waiting for the girl to come back. I walked over and stood over him. I bent down and grabbed a handful of his hair and bent his head back. I took my small blade and cut from one corner of his jaw to the other, his warm blood spilled on to my blade and hand. I felt the blade catch the airway in his throat and knew he wouldn't cry out. I waited for the body to stop twitching before I departed. When I made it to the forest I heard the blood curdling scream from the girl, my job is done.

Now this dream was very vivid. And it felt like a strong memory. I was disturbed all that day I woke up from the dream. Everything felt so real. That was the first one, they get worse.

Thought I would share that with ya'll. 
-The shadows connect us all-


Got another one.

The problem with big battles is that by the time the orders get to you, you've already did something to regret. I'm at the edge of the battlefield near a small farm cutting down the last of the enemy stragglers, a man comes out the farm house, he quick look around and takes arms. I wish those enemy soldiers hadn't gone this far out, if only. The man needed only to stay inside and everything would've been fine, I would make his house was untouch. But no, in his place I would've done the same. It happened so quick, he charged and then he was on the ground with a growing pool of blood. He couldn't identify who's side I was on because the battle left all markings and the flag gone. I felt bad, but it was his fault for charging at a experienced soldier. Then his wife came outside, oh the look of horror on her face was gut wrenching. I let her go to her husbands side, thinking nothing of it. I turned to go back, when my instincts fired up. I barely dodged a downward sword slash. I turned and faced the woman with a guarded stance. I gave her warning, but she struck at me again, I blocked with my blade and guard locked the two blades and the rage was burning in her eyes, I also noticed the callaouses on her hands. I shoved her back and she went into a stance. The next strike was a high side cut, I blocked again but, she put much force into it she broke my block and took my helm off. We circled again and then she struck with a mid side cut, this time I reinforced my block. I guard locked again and she looked into my eyes, her eyes went wide with shock and she said "You, it can't be, the one from my dreams!". When she dropped her weapon I flipped her. I walked to where she landed and noticed she landed on her head at an odd angle, but no it was the blade on the ground that did it. I knelt next to her and looked her in the eyes and with her last breath she whispered "Why!Why!", I watched the light leave her eyes. when got back to the battle I found out it was over when I chased the stragglers and my orders were to let them run.

When I woke up from that dream that womans last moments haunted me for days. I kept seeing her eyes and hearing her whisper.     
-The shadows connect us all-


Death can appear in dreams in many forms ranging from the near-death experience to wish-fulfillment projected on others. It may seem to be terrifying, or almost joyful in its sense of power.
The near-death experience can be either a psychological phenomenon or a physical one. The physical phenomenon comes from lucid dreaming in a nightmare condition. You may become aware of the body paralysis of the REM state and feel powerless to defend yourself in the dream. This can create an overwhelming sense of vulnerability to the threatening circumstances of the dream and a near-death experience.

The psychological facet is part and parcel of feeling endangered by your circumstances. This danger may be tangible or merely sensed in the dream. If it is tangible, the source of the danger is the area for interpretive work (whom, why, how, and what has endangered your life?). If the danger is merely sensed, it may symbolize ambivalence concerning a soul's transition into facets of self-awareness you may not want to completely embrace.

There is also a spiritual near-death experience. People who participate in actively seeking out-of-body experiences in dreaming may feel themselves unable to, or prevented from, returning to the body. These dreams are powerful images of how we sense the cosmos or spiritual realities impacting upon our lives.

Was the death a sudden deprivation of life or a release from the struggles of it? Moreover, as you became aware of dying, was it threatening or peaceable?

Death of self, loved one, or stranger. Dying in a dream is not too unusual, though if it happened with regularity our waking lives would probably begin to feel a little unstable. Often, derealization (see movies) accompanies death so your dream can continue with your observation. Otherwise, death is the wake-up point.

To die yourself is very troubling. Most people have not invested much emotional energy in preparation for death and feel that death is a strong enemy to be avoided. Being confronted with death is a place that is uncomfortable. By the way, how did you die in your dream and do you assign responsibility to anyone for your death? These are important questions.

The death of a loved one may be the result of numerous factors. You may feel genuine anxiety for that person's well-being. The death may be more symbolic than that as you struggle with the reality of your love for that person as weighed against repressed anger towards them. Finally, it may herald the passing of the relationship if the loved one is romantic and not familial in connection.

The death of a stranger can be the development or transition of different aspects of the self. Consequently, it is often useful to decide how you knew the stranger and whether you seemed deeply moved or only casually concerned with the death. It may be that the randomness of life in the central concern. In this case, looking at who else in the dream is concerned with the stranger's death and your connection to the fellow mourners is important. The death of a stranger may symbolize stereotypes that need to be rethought or explored as a means to a greater self-understanding. Are you being confronted with situations where your attitudes about others are being challenged?
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


Death is always in my dreams. Another interesting thing is that I will speak foreign languages in my sleep, Latin, Japanese, some slavic like language. I will hold a conversation in the language,.like for instance I held a conversation with a japenese woman on the phone, after a few exchanges everyone thought it was so cool and woke me up to tell, so I don't remember what I was dreaming. 
-The shadows connect us all-

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