
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Join this dream game!

Started by bluebabe, May 14, 2009, 09:34:38 PM

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rules:duplicate the former person's questions but change one of these questions to your own and add two more new questions at the same time, then answer all of them with your own answers.

let's pass this game one to another to make it the biggest file of dreamers!

start with me

1.What kind of dream is the most typical nightmare to you?
   In darkness but sth in red and green shows,or sth creepy running after me and I have no where to run.
2.In what case you will have a nightmare?
   I haven't had a nightmare for a long
3.what would you do to someone you're not farmilar with but you  had a dream that s/he did sth creepy to you?
   Never talk to the person.
4.Do you believe that when you dream about breathing under water or sth like that means you're kidnaped by ET?
   I do.especially when I feel tired the next day I get up.
5.Who is the one that you want to dream about even in a nightmare?
   maybe a vampire.
6.If you are to have a horrible dream,but with a song,what song might it be?
   Spin,by Taking Back Sunday.
7.What do you often dream about doing with an opposite sex?
  escaping,being safed by him...kissing...
8.What is a funny dream to you?
  any one which can make me laugh to wake up.
9.What would you do if you will die at 23:00 tonight?
  go back to be with my family,tell my parents that I love'em
10.Do you dare to go into a forest late at night and alone?
  Never tried,but I'll be excited to try.

now,who is the next?


1. What kind of dream is the most typical nightmare to you?

Anything that normal people would consider normal. I like my bizarre and violent dreams; probably because I'm never the victim of the nightmare, I AM the nightmare.

2. In what case you will have a nightmare?

Usually after a long, boring, uneventful day.

3. What would you do to someone you're not familiar with but you had a dream that s/he did something creepy to you?

Thank them.

4. Do you believe that if you die in your dream then you'll die in real life?

No. I've died in my dreams, usually either by being blown up in a war, or falling from many miles up onto very sharp rocks at a rocky beach.

5. Who is the one that you want to dream about even in a nightmare?

Whoever is my victim in said dream.

6. If you are to have a horrible dream, but with a song, what song might it be?

Something particularly emotionally destructive by Psyclon Nine, "Rusted" perhaps, or "Payback".

7. What do you often dream about doing with an opposite sex?

Is rape considered an answer? Well, other than that it's usually mutilation. No, she doesn't enjoy it.

8. What is a funny dream to you?

See question seven.

9. What would you do if you will die at 23:00 tonight?

Kick the Grim Reaper's ass for interfering with my entertainment!

10. Do you dare to go into a forest late?

I've done this many times, as well as hurricane walking, and walking down pitch black country roads late at night. I've also lived in abandoned houses, haunted houses, and many, many other things that most people are too scared to even try.

11. Do you dream in color?


12. Do you believe that you or another person astrally project when you sleep or dream?

Yes. In fact, I used to do this automatically when my fiancé first began to date. She kept telling me that she couldn't sleep when she spent the night because she couldn't sense me there by her side, only see me with her eyes(she's a particularly sensitive empathy.) She finally explained that psychically, when I slept, I was a corpse. Physically, in some ways, I was. My body would cool noticeably, and my breathing and pulse would slow so much that she kept wanting to shake me to make sure I was alive. I've since stopped doing this automatically, so that she can get her rest too.

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