
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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My messed up dream. SOS

Started by Angelus, May 20, 2009, 01:53:03 PM

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I posted this on a previous hesp board but never recieved any. Someone please help.

I never remember my dreams. Ever. recently Ive started having faint memories of them. All I remember is porcelin dolls, some of them with their eyes burned out, thats it. That and a feeling of absolute terror. I have woken with fear, sweat and short of breath. If its means anything I am a vampire (sang) who stopped feeding a few years ago (cause even I thought it was weird) and have attempted to try psychic feeding in the past but couldnt get the hang of it. (I aint to good in that department). Please help. I need sleep.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Forget all the other stuff for a moment.

The actual issue is that you are not sleeping properly?

If so what have you tried, what have you not tried?


Getting to sleep isn't the problem. Its the sudden waking. I use sleeping pills, standard over the counter stuff. I sleep but the nightmares are still there. Ive never been much for sleeping. Im a bit of a night owl. I like sitting up late and can function comfortably in a day with about 6 or 7 hours sleep. I just hate the bloody dreams.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


So the actual issue is that dreams upset you to the point of waking you up? You hate the dreams.

Or put another way if you didn't hate the dreams and carried on sleeping through them, that would be ok?


Yeah. I just thought if someone on the site was a good dream interpreter and if I could understand what the dream meant it would either go away or it may not bother me and I can go back to not dreaming. (well forgetting them anyway)
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


You seen Matrix? The scene where Neo gets offered the blue pill or the red pill?

Which do you want?


Not a fan of it but I have seen it. Red pill every time. Down the rabbit hole.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


not to sound like weid or anything but have u tried feeding off sex or jus sexual tension?


Hi Angelus, I think MY response to this subject is best continued via PM.


I think maybe you can just get away from radiation like computers, cellphones or something like that.If you have a little headache when you lie down,stay away from those stuff!


Headache isnt the problem. Either is getting to sleep. Its what happens when I am asleep. As for the feeding off sexual tension thing. I am sexualy active but dont know how to feed off that. I dont know if I would even if I did know how. Sex doesnt seem to satisfy my energy needs, it just seems to drain me. Not complaining or anything though.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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