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My weird epic dream?

Started by Overigens, May 24, 2009, 08:39:22 AM

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Okay so this is a dream I had some time ago.. It's very, VERY long and really impressed me.

The dream started in a medieval town with a young blackhaired guy running through streets at night; the moon shone and there was a lot of mist. He was very frightened and hid under a wooden car. I could feel his emotions and see through his eyes, but I still had an overview of everything.. Suddenly he felt pangs and stings in his body, mostly his heart and throat. He noticed the city was coloured darkblue (it was pitchblack at first, there were almost no lights) and all living beings had a weak reddish light around hem. He fell completely exhausted in sleep.

A week later.(I somehow knew it was a week later)

It was night again, moon shone and a bit misty.. He was running in the streets but felt so weak and was in a lot of pain, even though he didn't have a wound.. He fell down grabbing his head and heart. When he looked up the city was darkblue again and all beings shone red. Then I noticed there appeared a bright red line on his cheek. He could smell and hear everything around him. Starting to run again he felt stronger and faster than before, but we (the guy and me) knew at a certain point when it was already too late that he was starting to lose his mind. A strong appetizing smell floated in the air and within moments he found a little boy. He tore through the kid's body with his suddenly grown fingernails. Gosh that moment was so discusting.. Innards fell on the ground and blood spattered everywhere. He ate the heart. After a few bites he snapped out of it and threw the heart away in fear.

While running away in panic he had to vomit and went into an inn. At the inn a man approached him and took him to a dark corner. That man told him he was the guy's only relative, the others were dead. (the guy didn't have anybody) He also warned him that he had to be careful, the bloodlust was a curse/trait of the family and everyone who didn't 'drink or eat' in time got insane and slaughtered everyone in the area. So when bright red lines start to appear in his face or troath, the man told, he had to feed or drink as soon as possible. But still, he also said, he wasn't a vampire or anything like that. So with that he left.

A year later. (Again, I just knew it was a year later)

He and a girl were in a beautiful forest, making camp ready for the night. He was sort of a hunter now and wandered around to fight evil things. He met the girl some time ago, weird thing was that she had exactly the same haircolor and eyes like me.

(My hair is a bit weird on its own, I don't dye it. And I have a strange yellow circle around my pupil and other yellow flecks.. Haven't seen anybody with the same sort of eyes and hair like me..)

She had a bow and dagger, he two swords. They joked a bit, then went to sleep and woke up next day really late. They hurried to go because there were rumors of a 'haunted city'. When they finally arrived at the borders of the city everything was really quiet. The air above the city was dark black/purple, there was fire and smoke everwhere. Dead, burnt and gutted bodies lay everywhere. Men, women, children, animals... Everything that lived was dead. And the smell.. Man that was horrible.. Then an agonizing cry came out of a half burning tower in the middle of the city. They went in. The tower too lay full of bodies, ash, blood, innards..

Then they arrived in a big hall.. The wooden floor was dusty, the long curtains ripped to shreds, windows broken.. And in a corner tried a with blood covered pregnant woman -still alive- to hide for something we didn't know yet. A dark mist appeared and a long, cloaked in a strange black sort of hood/robe/cloak/monkcloth, figure materialized. It was the thing that had burnt and killed everything so cruelly. It attacked. A fight follows, nothing special happened except the guy and girl get some wounds; but as they tried to save the pregnant woman the 'being' suddenly appeared next to her and held her up by her troath, slowly choaking her. He watched what they did. The two hunters stopped, knowing what he could do. He (the being) said "What do you want? Your life? Or hers."

They didn't know what to answer. He smiled. (only his mouth was visible under the cloak) He flicked his fingers and tore through the woman's swollen belly. When he pulled his hand out he had the baby. The woman was screaming and crying insane, trying to grab her baby back. He said "You want this huh?" and gestured the baby to her. Then, when she tried to take it, he crushed the babie's head with only his hand. He threw the body away and ripped the woman's heart out of her chest. After he also threw her on the floor he started laughing.

I don't remember it clearly after that.. What I know is that the being attacked, the guy got really hurt (I could feel the pain) but still managed to kill him.. The end was that he took his blades out of him and was glad he managed to defeat him but felt undescribably guilty for the woman, her baby and everyone who got killed.

So that was it.. I know, I'm weird.. Any suggestions for what it could mean?
"Het is een zeer benauwde droom, te weten te dromen en toch niet te kunnen ontwaken. Zulk een droom is ook het leven." -D. Coster


It means that God doesn't have a monopoly on souls and that reincarnation exists.

You were a stray thought from a fantasy fan/writer's  head who got born into this world and is reliving his/her past life.

Honestly? i haven't the foggiest. all i know is i wanna visit that world. :-P
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


lol xD 'stray thought from a fantasy/fan writer'

Yeah.. it was really amazing :-P (graphic too)
But still, I don't think I'd like to have my innards gone by that gut-tearing thing.. :wink:

Although I really wonder what the dream could mean.. It's probably just my imagination on crack
"Het is een zeer benauwde droom, te weten te dromen en toch niet te kunnen ontwaken. Zulk een droom is ook het leven." -D. Coster

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