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New disturbing theory about dreams

Started by Carson Dane, May 25, 2009, 07:29:31 PM

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Carson Dane

Dreams are hard to understand and to interpret.  That's because something troubles our minds so that our dreaming occurs unnaturally. 

The majority of humans throughout the universe dream differently than us because their minds aren't troubled like ours.  They dream naturally, a process that purges perceptions from their minds that are not consistent with reality.  Because their minds are not troubled by something as are ours, their dreams are easy to understand, unquestionably informing them of thoughts and ideas that aren't real. 

Because their dreaming works naturally as intended, it helps them to evolve and realize their full potentials as individuals quickly, moving them forward into the reality of the universe of which they are a part.  It is not so for us, the  minority of humans in this universe, with troubled minds.

:-D :-) :-o 8-) :wink:
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


  Ummm...  Do you have a hot line to these other's or something?  You consistantly speak of "humans throughout the universe".  What proof have you that they exist?  I personally am quite interested in veiwing the informational proof you have to substanciate that there are other "humans throughout the universe".  I mean you have to have hard data to share as you are so well aware of them, right down to their dreams.  Or perhapse you are in contact with them mentally?  Please inform the rest of us how you came by all this information/evidence.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


-The shadows connect us all-


I have my money on him having written a book, and using this site and possibly others to drum up interest in his ideas prior to release of it.


"Is it, What is book promotion, Phil. For 500."

That is most likely the case. No other responses, other then these.
-The shadows connect us all-

Carson Dane

I apologize if my previous post was in the wrong forum subject category here.  So, I'll share some of my dreams here now.

I dream about ethereal beings that barely have any bodies at all.  Each one's individual body has only one color: red, blue, green, orange, yellow, or other color.  Their bodies are thin, like see-through.  It's ghoulish, scary, dark, and seems to be underground; however, in the dream, if I act as if I belong there, things go well and it's even fun.  I dream about finding myself in deep underground areas, often damp, wondering how I got there and what the source of the light there is.  I'm the only one there and find myself wondering how I got there and what I'm supposed to do.  I have flying dreams:  somehow I use my body to gain some initial altitude and then use momentum to soar higher and finally to land safely not knowing how my body grabbed the air to slow my decent to the ground.  Other times, these flying dreams have me gliding in from space, with the atmosphere somehow thickening at the last moment enabling a smooth landing.

I can't prove any of my dreams to anyone, so, obviously no need to go into the out-of-body stuff here.  Even if experiences or ideas about that kind of thing (obe's) might be of interest somewhere in the forums here, why post about it if proof is required.
Muerte asks the question that's been asked throughout history:  What is the proof? Going back in time to when people thought the earth was flat, and then, when some proposed it was round – this same question was asked.  And asked again when someone proposed that the earth was not at the center of the universe.  Back then, when someone suggested the earth wasn't at the center, people got upset, and demanded informational proof.  Those kinds of facts about our history, that there was a reality that existed of which people were not aware, fascinates me.  So what if I use my imagination to fanaticize about how shortcuts to reality might be made.  Hundreds of years ago, new ideas were perceived as threats: what's the harm in proposing new ideas nowadays?   Perhaps it's time to declare this aspect of past history "dead".

I don't see any harm in speculation.  It's a fact that extraterrestrials / UFOs have been visiting this planet for 1000's of years.  The fact that mankind has little understanding of it is evidence of something.  It's an ongoing investigation.

I've made my way through life busting industrial polluters.  If I wanted to make money as a writer, I'd write about that, instead of a sci-fi fantasy adventure.  Careful, no sucker bets (lol); I think someone here would have already checked me out to already know the odds in advance! (more lol)

This site looks professionally excellent to me, and appears to promote free ideas and thinking.  However, if it's for a tight knit group controlling, I understand, or, if writers aren't allowed, please notify the administrator to kick me off.  On the other hand, the administrator may now request  a free review copy to have, give to someone, burn, desecrate, etc., or whatever.

Again, sorry for the original post if it was in the wrong place, new here, I feel attacked for having done so.  Also, I apologize for the lengthy post here.  I hope having shared a few dreams at the top of this post makes up for something. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


Look dude. We are just asking for proof................................... Or at least least a convincing argument. Cause You mention all these "others" however we know next to nothing about them. what your doing is kinda like asking us to eat a feta cheese cracker and call it sweet, crunchy and unfermented.

And btw, i've never eaten a sweet feta anything.....
(translation: You expect us to take your word for it. we arn't calling you a liar, we just want to see the logic in it, the people here  are skeptics because we question preestablished beliefs, but to make sure we don't fall prey to the same inadequacies as those old outdated stuff, we question the facts........... sure we never get anywhere, but at least we arn't bored or stupid, and we make all those sheep tip over with teh powha of our questions.

Are you a seeker? or merely a sheep who has wandered away from his flock? This baptism of fire(ey) critisim is how we initiate you into those who are worthy to stand on thier own against the tide of sheepmind. And who better to test your foundations than this bloodthisty bunch of buccaneers? ARGG

"note to management: we need pirate smiley"

......... And yes i think that should you write a book about this stuff a bunch of people will buy it.....maybe :|.)

BTW: a flat world would never work. even speculating that there was a giant infinite source of water in the middle o the disk we would presumably inhabit, there is the matter of erosion and floating islands............... BTW, i'd rather live in a disk world if it had cool giant serpent dragon thingys with magic. and destined heroic legends waiting to be fulfiled by moi
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


  As always Raz, well put, if somewhat sardonic.  You mention me in your post Carson, thankyou, as I see that as a compliment.  And you replied to our questions, congratulations on step one in being taken as a seriouse minded individual, and not some simple crackpot spouting off irrational ideas, we do get those quite frequently.

  You mention that I question.  Well in this community, it is what I do.  You mention that in history people questioned the validity of established ideas, without those people, where would we be.  In my humble opinion, questions are what further us in our evolution.  A good imagination is fine, writing a book is fine, but from what I gathered from your O.P., it sounded as if you had definitive proof, and I am always eager for more information than I already have.

In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

Carson Dane

Thanks for the kind words, understanding, and comforting welcome.  Noting Raziel's  1142 posts, I was tempted to obtain  a pile of feta cheese and douse it with a bottle of boysenberry syrup, then out of respect to worship it after mixing it then eating it from the tip of my steel pirate's sword – ARRGG.

But I've never been one to worship.  At about age 5, my parents took me to something that looked like sheep barn one Sunday.  They went inside, while directing me to join the other children at the school for Sundays.  I told my parents I never wanted to go there again.  We never returned; instead they joined the local country club to meet their social and networking needs –woo hoo!
Your encouraging words about a book are appreciated, Raziel; the book is published and available.  Three years of part-time work to write, another year part-time to edit and publish, and I figure at least that much longer to market and I deem your "maybe" assessment as accurate.  Better to suggest it first for the thinkers and seekers here; but then again, who has time for 428 pages?

As a seeker, I've investigated sheep barns to find evidence of what lies behind the masquerade to which the sheep flock.  I believe I express the logic for this specific evidence well in the book, though other ideas, concepts, and theories are woven within a sci-fi fantasy style to make them palatable to any sheep that that might stray from the dictates of their Sheppard's.  Between theories, I use dialog between characters to suggest logic for the new theories.

BTW, in my sequel novel the main character will need some help to complete his mission.  To fulfill that mission's requirements, he'll have to call upon an acquaintance that lives inside a planet with a cool giant magic serpent dragon – to get the job done!

Muerte, 613 posts is impressive.  Thanks for clarifying your role, Muerte: I'll be sure to attend to the "sound" of my posts here.  I see you as one concerned for the quality and sincerity of the posts, an important job, rather than a skeptic.
Being a skeptic didn't move me ahead in my thinking as quickly as I wanted too; instead, after awhile, I began to just integrate things I saw and heard, to find out what stuck together for me and what just evaporated away.  In the book I mention our skepticism and explain why.  As I said before, there's much in the universe that exists which we can't prove.   I don't think people can change each other's minds about what they believe.

When it comes to my theory of humans in the universe being "Anticit" or "Realcit", dreaming was one of the best mental mechanisms to demonstrate the differences between the two.
Where do ideas come from?  I flip open my book, read a passage, and then question myself, "I wrote that?"  Also, I'm in the process of sorting out technical differences, between my dreams, astral projections, and out-of-body experiences, to define each more clearly.   When I've thought it through, I'll post something here with some logic for comments.  In my seeking, I've given up on arguing. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


Waitaminit! I go and bust him on the book promotion thing.... and Muerte and Raziel get the credit for it?! Sheesh, I feel cheated, lol.


Quote from: Moloch on June 07, 2009, 07:50:48 PM
Waitaminit! I go and bust him on the book promotion thing.... and Muerte and Raziel get the credit for it?! Sheesh, I feel cheated, lol.

  Don't feel bad, it's just my political side, been doing it so long, I just don't notice any more.   :evil:
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Aw momo got ignored. :-D

Guys? This is starting to sound like a load of CENSORED.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Maybe I'm not getting the plot of this story or i'm just dumb.  Either way I want to know what he's talking about....?
Do not fear death: For I may not be here to take you away but to aide you against your enemies.


All I got out of that mess is this,
When we are aloud to dream without our worries, we can be enlightened,

dose that mean that people like serial killers are enlightened due to lack of concience?



Nay my  lupine friend. It means that when you are enlightened you stop needing to worrying about crap because you are secure in yourself. Not that you cannot have attacks of consciences. You just no longer need them. they are obsolete because your consciousness is doing the job, not your subconscious which then focuses on entertaining you and making sure you feel rested and not bored.

Which means moloch is in that way "enlightened".............. Ok there is something HORRIBLY  wrong with that picture. 0:)

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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