
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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New wolf online here

Started by SaraDarkheart, April 07, 2011, 09:33:47 AM

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Well, its the teenage generation, they ruin everythng in the world
I saw and was silent,
I saw and thought,
and heard the speech of Odin
I heard about what lay in the runes,
and there was much council given.
At the hall of Har, In the hall of Har;
Such was the speech I heard.


From a writer's standpoint, there's absolutely nothing wrong with roleplay... that is, if it's restricted to appropriate places. But I think coming onto a serious board like this and pretending to be something else entirely is irritating.
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


True, but there are some that should be more mature here, considering age, and they still play wannabeez ;)


lol true but teens aren't the only ones but then again the teen years are a time of being naive  :laugh:

Quote from: Nina on May 22, 2011, 11:52:29 PM
True, but there are some that should be more mature here, considering age, and they still play wannabeez ;)

:laugh: true but no thats the entertainment business' fault, they've screwed up people's minds but then again that's when people forget to use common sense  :roll:
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


dude, i'm a teenager..............and is it always so that when nothing is going on on the forum you guys go drag younger members over the dust just because they do some mistakes and are acting childish.

i mean why so serious about it.........i'm not trying to protect anyone.........but uhh......the only one who aren't mature enough are you guys.......just because someone re-registered it doesn't mean that we should kick her out of the society...(internet/forum society...)

i mean come on........just because someone has more posts than the others doesn't make him better than he is in reality.....((i waited a long time to say this lol))

live with it......

((just for the record......i may be overreacting but as i write this i'm more calm than usually so i'm just putting out the human right's here in a symbolic nonsense kinda way))

everybody deserves a second chance..............even!!
if bullets doesn't kill it than salt will



btw, we were talking about those that mistake this for an rpg site, but whatever makes ur soup spicy ;)

i could and did write more, but no point...


if bullets doesn't kill it than salt will


Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM
dude, i'm a teenager..............and is it always so that when nothing is going on on the forum you guys go drag younger members over the dust just because they do some mistakes and are acting childish.

i mean why so serious about it.........i'm not trying to protect anyone.........but uhh......the only one who aren't mature enough are you guys.......just because someone re-registered it doesn't mean that we should kick her out of the society...(internet/forum society...)

i mean come on........just because someone has more posts than the others doesn't make him better than he is in reality.....((i waited a long time to say this lol))

live with it......

((just for the record......i may be overreacting but as i write this i'm more calm than usually so i'm just putting out the human right's here in a symbolic nonsense kinda way))

everybody deserves a second chance..............even!!

Yeah. Okay. Confession, kid, there are a few teenagers here who've gained some respect for making sense out of what they've said. Ask some folks. I won't name names, though.  :-) fact is, we're talking about the teenagers that come on here claiming to be some kinda... I don't know. Unbelievable thing.

Oh, @Nina, I've heard of BlueBlood, too. :p
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM
dude, i'm a teenager..............and is it always so that when nothing is going on on the forum you guys go drag younger members over the dust just because they do some mistakes and are acting childish.

i mean why so serious about it.........i'm not trying to protect anyone.........but uhh......the only one who aren't mature enough are you guys.......just because someone re-registered it doesn't mean that we should kick her out of the society...(internet/forum society...)

i mean come on........just because someone has more posts than the others doesn't make him better than he is in reality.....((i waited a long time to say this lol))

live with it......

((just for the record......i may be overreacting but as i write this i'm more calm than usually so i'm just putting out the human right's here in a symbolic nonsense kinda way))

everybody deserves a second chance..............even!!

ok i'm a teenager too and we're talking about the teenagers that come on here claiming to be vampires, demons, and were's while they're probably masturbating to twilight or mangas. And everyone on here (as in THE COMMUNITY) well we're just so damn tired of getting those kind of  newbee's who HAPPEN to be younger.
We're not kicking her out of the society, she just had a bad start  :-P
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


  I am going to weigh in on this one because I think it merits the attention.  I know I have not been as active I have been in the recent past, but other priorities currently have taken priority.  But when I hear comments like this, well have I ever just "Let them slide?

Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM
dude, i'm a teenager..............and is it always so that when nothing is going on on the forum you guys go drag younger members over the dust just because they do some mistakes and are acting childish.

  First off Being a teenager has nothing to do with being "Drug over the coals".  Ryobi was one when she first joined the community, as was CM, as was AWB, as was Moon Baby (before she left us), as was Raziel, as were many others.  Being a teenager does not earn you a ticket to be drug over the coal nor does your post standing.  What does earn that treatment is acting like a fool.  We do joke here sure, but we do not play for the sake of relieving boredom, that kind of idiocy is best saved for the playground.  Questions?  (The smart answer would be to say nothing, but because I have a teenager myself I know you will probably not be able to take the smart road.  Why do they all wish to do/learn things the hard way?)

Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM

i mean why so serious about it.........i'm not trying to protect anyone.........but uhh......the only one who aren't mature enough are you guys.......just because someone re-registered it doesn't mean that we should kick her out of the society...(internet/forum society...)

  You say we are immature because we are making issue of someone who was removed from our forum (and these people are always removed for good reason).  Son, did you bother to stop and think about that comment before you made it?  Some times those who were turned away are allowed back, but only under specific "Parole" conditions, and most times when one is removed they stay that way.  We cut the unwanted from this site for a reason son.  You would be wise to not only remember that fact, but to reflect on it also.  If this is a re register and it has not been sanctioned by either myself or Markus you can be certain it WILL BE removed.  Immature or Responsible........I'll let you ponder that one also.

Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM
i mean come on........just because someone has more posts than the others doesn't make him better than he is in reality.....((i waited a long time to say this lol))

live with it......

  To reflect upon this statement.  It is not the number of post that lend credence to a member here, but the content of those post.  I am not blowing my own horn here when I say look through my post (If you have both the time and patience) and you will find a plethora of information in about 85% or so of each and every single one.  There are others here on this forum who do not have half of my post, but their content is just as informative, so again content is what earns you a place to speak here not the number. 

  Live with it ( I use your own advise you, after all what is good for the Goose....)

Quote from: onepiece on May 23, 2011, 05:48:49 AM

everybody deserves a second chance..............even!!

  And what make you think everyone deserves a second chance?  It is that drivel that causes people to relive the same mistakes over and over again.  I'll save you some time (and myself a headache) and tell you a simple truth.

  The only people who deserve second chances are those who go to great lengths to earn that right.  Only fools just hand out second chances for nothing.

  P.S.  Do me one last favor and work on both your grammar and your is mindlessly atrocious. 
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.



Thank you for the advice. I will stop using the "dots" of course and work on my grammar.

piece out!
if bullets doesn't kill it than salt will



Welcome to the den, I'm relatively new here too😃
"We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your destiny" -Sovereign

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