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Lucid dream/Dreamwalking

Started by Daemonin, January 31, 2011, 07:02:29 PM

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So it's been a while since I posted here, but I thought I would go ahead and post this to see what others thought about my experience.

Background information:  For those that don't already know me, a lot of my focus has been on dreams and lucidity.  I have lucid dreams quite frequently, and have begun to find them as part of the norm.  While before I used to experiment with my dream foundations and explore the dream world, I have lately begun to take it in stride and let it flow.  As far as dream walking goes, I have been skeptical about it, but open to the possibility.  Never really cared to try. 

My story in a nutshell is this...
One night I had a typical lucid dream.  My fiance was in it, and I had a discussion with him within the dream about the surrounding area being a dream ("Lindsey, is this a dream?" "It feels like a dream to me.  Have you never had a lucid dream before?")  I took note of the surroundings mentally and knew I had never been there before.

I woke up and figured that he was just a figment of my lucid dream.  I did not mention the dream to him.  I was getting ready for work and he said to me, "I had a weird dream, and you were in it.  Like I knew I was dreaming."  "Oh really now? Describe it."  And he relayed details and images to me that were specific in my dream.  Essentially, we had shared a lucid dream.

Just thought it was interesting.  Does it have anything to do with us being pregnant?  :P


Hmmm interesting. I also have many lucid dreams. Ive often wondered myself that when sleeping next to someone if your energy can mingle with theirs and end up in a shared dream?? I myself can stand next to someone and feel their entire essence-like im actually them- life experiences, feelings, scents-every essence that makes up a person-SO why not feel their energy while dreaming?? Are you normally sensitive to others?? or maybe being preggy is bringing it out more?? Not sure. Interesting though-thanking for sharing.


While I am typically sensitive to others, lately I've been stressed and have put up a kind of wall that blocks that sensitivity.  Not necessarily saying I am purposefully blocking things out, but the stress seems to lower my sensitivity.  However, at the time this happened I do not think that was the case.  I am certain empathy has something to do with it, but not sure to what degree it is.  I also need to take into account that my loving mate has abilities of his own he tends to hold back. 

Regardless, it still has yet to happen again, so we'll see what happens. :)


Not to sound insensitive, but I do believe any two people who have formed some sort of strong connection to eachother can share a dream. Not to undermine what you experienced, I mean it just means that you two have formed such a connection. Though you could be right, the pregnancy could have had a hand in it. Lucid dreams are always fun, in my opinion. Especially since the first lucid dream I ever had taught me how to take control of my dreams.
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