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Dream Meanings

Started by Ryobi, July 20, 2009, 11:21:17 PM

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Okay so I'd like to start off a thread on general meanings of 'things' in your dreams. Events, colours, objects, people etc what purpose do they play?

Firstly, a topic that seems to come up quite a bit is death, more specifically, people dying in dreams or seeing people who have died. What do these kinds of events mean? Is it different if you envision a certain person dying compared to many? If you see a person who has died in your dreams what is the meaning behind their presence?

This is only the proposed topic of discussion, if you have a meaning or a few of other kinds of events or 'things' within dreams that you would like to add instead, by all means do.

Sweet dreaming for now peeps  :-D
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


well,that depends,for our Chinese, sometimes death doesn't mean something bad.

we considered it a sign of weath that is coming when we dream coffins,black water in the river means bad luck,red means good luck,Chinese has a complete system of explaination for things in dream, you can look up to it.

and if we dream dead people,no matter the one you know or not, it might be a sign that something's wrong with your health. :-)


Im not a real great fan of dream interpretation.

I mean why do you believe that every dream you have has a hugely significant hidden meaning, so much more so than stuff happening when we are awake?

For example i am awake in the supermarket looking at which beans to buy. What does it mean?

In my opinion dream interpretation makes us dwell unaturally on metaphorical stuff and miss the real magic going on.

Just my opinion.


I agree with oldbill's opinion; dreams rarely have a hidden meaning. They do, on the other hand, reflect ones inner feelings and subconscious thoughts. For example, if you dream of being naked in public or something like that, chances are deep down you fear what others will think of you. I read that from an article on dreams at school for an essay last year.

Dreams are such a mystery, though. Some, I believe, do have a meaning, but when you get one like this, you know it.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Yep agreed, occasionally we get a dream experience which results in an automatic 'HOLY F***' reaction.

Those are worth looking at.

Had any good ones Kube?


I think I told one of them already, but here goes:


Five years ago, I went to Greece with my school. A month or so before the trip, I had this dream where a french guy guided me and a guy at my school (I had never talked to him before, only seen him and only knew his name) He guided us onto a plane and the plane crashed. When I looked at the other guy from my school (Gino), his right arm was missing.

When I woke up, I tried to analyze it figuratively. All I could get out of it was that I would go on a trip with Gino, probably on a school trip, and there would be an accident (hence the plane crash) and Gino would get hurt, most probably on his right arm.

A month later, we went to Greece and Gino tripped during a race. He fell on a rock and broke his right arm.

I guess it sounds a bit like seeing connections where there aren't any, but like you said, I had that 'HOLY F***' reaction when I woke up, a reaction I've come to know all too well ever since, because they've been happening more and more often.


I've had one that keeps skipping time... I don't know when it's supposed to be or what it's supposed to mean, but I'll just write it down anyway.

So in the dream I'm going out with this girl. I've never seen her before, so I have no idea who she is, but I know for a fact that we're dating. Then time skips and I'm in a  restaurant with her and a group of friends, who seem a bit older than they do now. There, I get called over from another table and see a bunch of guys who start talking s**t about us. So we get in a fight and I can only remember that I ended up going too far. To what extent? I have no idea. The next time skip, we're standing in front of a house, it's raining and that same girl is there. She's crying because her parents died, they were murdered. Then I wake up. I can't make anything of it and don't know what I should see in it, but I get that same feeling that I can never get used to every time I get such a dream.


Here's another one I've mentioned before, but for the sake of the thread and because I still find it very intriguing. I used to have that one when I was little. I'm walking down a street and suddenly, my vision fades to red. I'm running on all fours and hunting down everything that moves. The weird thing is it feels good. When I wake up, I get that same feeling. There's one difference, though. Usually I only get those dreams once. This one, I kept having it, night after night. Good thing I liked it...

I had that same dream right before joining Monstrous and the same feeling was still there after so many years, only it seemed amplified.

The thing with those dreams is that you don't forget them like you would a normal one. You can do anything that makes you forget, blink, stop thinking bout them, whatever. I can't seem to forget them. It's weird because dreams aren't supposed to be registered in your memory.

What about you, oldbill? I can see you've felt that same thing before, what are yours?

(Wow, I write long posts these days... Sorry if it was too long, I just tried to write down all that came to mind :-P)
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Well heres one.

I was in carpark in the woods where i used to live. I was standing by the bonnet of my car f**king a friends girlfriend as she was propped on it. She was really short and i totally remember looking at her face.

A week or so later This same friend returned from Australia with his girlfriend. It was her, the same person i saw in the dream. I discounted the dream completely as in my eyes she was unavailble.

However, soon after the same scene replayed itself. We actually eneded up together even got married. That caused quite a few HOLY F*** realisations.

Doesnt even need interpreting in my opinion.


Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


I know this topic is old but i just want to add a couple of my dreams.

First one- in my dream i got a call from my friends mom saying she was missing, she was last seen at a party with some bikers or something. so i go looking for her, the whole time thinking that she was dead anyways, but i find her locked up in some shed, release her and bring her home. its a big happy reunion.

When i got up afterwards i had that bad feeling and started calling around looking for my friend, about 2 weeks later i got ahold of her and i found out her mother died from an accidental overdose.

2 months later i have a dream of the same friend, only this time her aunt is babysitting for us (she has a little boy) and we are going out. so we're at this party and she gets a call saying her kid is missing, so we rush back to her aunts and the whole house is in disaray, we're running around the house calling to her aunt and little boy but there's no answer, everyones gone. then i woke up.

a few days later i get ahold of her again and her aunt died of an accidental overdose as well.

both dreams were about the same girl and both ended with death.

oh and apparently neither deaths had anything to do with eachother and both were ruled accidental.. dont know if that makes a dfferance or not but thought i would add it.




Other than a death dream actually meaning-death-its also about transformation-like the cycle of birth to death.

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