
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Interesting story

Started by matthew321, January 06, 2010, 05:31:42 PM

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Well I was out of town (body) having a good time and I was flying above my house. Now this was astral projection but I wasn't really in control I was more like a train guided by rails. I look around my neighborhood and lots beings flying in the air with me. You know we exchange pleasantries and what not. (I knew I did not see them as enemies of mine and the pleasantries were not really person to person we kinda just knew everyone was there and said hello with feelings) Now this is all happening above my house about 50 meters away and 100 feet in the air. I believe I said something to one of them and I briefly remember looking down at my body. Well I was wearing a black robe (with black fire on bottom) and I had a katana with a black tsuba at my side. Then I can't remember anymore and everything afterward has been blank to me since. I have had dreams or travels when I leave my body grab the katana on my wall and leave. When I look at my katana it is getting sharper and always seems more used each time I examine it. Now I do like to play with my katana but the getting sharper is not my doing and I get feelings that I am actually doing this.

Now I can remember another dream where I traveled to a different room of my house to talk to a guy who committed suicide to help him rest in peace. I also have traveled to that room to talk to my guardian. (spirit guide, animal totem, etc.)

So maybe i'm just getting a bunch of coincidences or maybe i'm just dreaming way too much. But I thought I would share. I know this is starting to sound a little like bleach when I start to look at it...

Now there is more I can add to make it even weirder. I often have my neck red as though I were being choked but not very hard. I often manage to remove my left sock when sleeping (if that matters) and often when I sleep my shirt manages to travel upward on my body and one night half of it was off. Now that night I was positive I did not take it off. Another night I felt as though there were crickets traveling down my legs and another I felt as though my feet were being lifted out of my body. I had a night where random demonic images of zombies appear in my head (that one might of been my fault) And when I close my eyes I often see 7 old (wise) men in robes and it seems as though they are watching me.

So I hope I entertained someone with my nightly stories. This seemed the best forum for this but it doesn't fit like a glove on this one.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


I have tried meditation but I cannot willingly go into a deep state. However unconsciously I do it all the time and on different random things. My mind is a little weird, I have to find what my dreams don't mean in order to understand them. I think I have reached enlightenment but I have lost the peace I once had. I think I truly understand what enlightenment is and it is actually pretty simple. But it is something if you don't find on your own you won't appreciate as much.

Now my feelings are like my dreams. I have to find what I don't feel in order to understand them. In my dreams I have to find why I don't feel them. Just how I think I guess.

So do you have any advice such as different dream analysis techniques? Or any websites? Any advice is welcome.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: matthew321 on January 06, 2010, 05:31:42 PM
Well I was out of town (body) having a good time and I was flying above my house. Now this was astral projection but I wasn't really in control I was more like a train guided by rails. I look around my neighborhood and lots beings flying in the air with me. You know we exchange pleasantries and what not. (I knew I did not see them as enemies of mine and the pleasantries were not really person to person we kinda just knew everyone was there and said hello with feelings) Now this is all happening above my house about 50 meters away and 100 feet in the air. I believe I said something to one of them and I briefly remember looking down at my body. Well I was wearing a black robe (with black fire on bottom) and I had a katana with a black tsuba at my side. Then I can't remember anymore and everything afterward has been blank to me since. I have had dreams or travels when I leave my body grab the katana on my wall and leave. When I look at my katana it is getting sharper and always seems more used each time I examine it. Now I do like to play with my katana but the getting sharper is not my doing and I get feelings that I am actually doing this.

Now I can remember another dream where I traveled to a different room of my house to talk to a guy who committed suicide to help him rest in peace. I also have traveled to that room to talk to my guardian. (spirit guide, animal totem, etc.)

So maybe i'm just getting a bunch of coincidences or maybe i'm just dreaming way too much. But I thought I would share. I know this is starting to sound a little like bleach when I start to look at it...

Now there is more I can add to make it even weirder. I often have my neck red as though I were being choked but not very hard. I often manage to remove my left sock when sleeping (if that matters) and often when I sleep my shirt manages to travel upward on my body and one night half of it was off. Now that night I was positive I did not take it off. Another night I felt as though there were crickets traveling down my legs and another I felt as though my feet were being lifted out of my body. I had a night where random demonic images of zombies appear in my head (that one might of been my fault) And when I close my eyes I often see 7 old (wise) men in robes and it seems as though they are watching me.

So I hope I entertained someone with my nightly stories. This seemed the best forum for this but it doesn't fit like a glove on this one.

I'd like to interpret a little bit of this.

I don't believe in Astral Projection(goes against my belief), but the real of dreams can be truly similar or just the mirror of the real world, being this as a lucid dream and explained pretty well, I will tell few things about it.

Flying around your house shows that you have the out-most control over the house you hold, may be not yours but you still have a strong bond between you and the history of the house. Or, you are the proprietor of the house and you just like it and it's location.

Having handling a sword and even recognizing the accessories of it i.e tsuba, nearing to the word tsubasa meaning wing, in the case you were flying in the dream.

Getting your sword, having it with you or keeping it at home(if in the dream) then you are an authoritative persona, strong and justified person though you will commit mistakes.

Seeing your sword getting sharper yet getting more used, meaning : You are getting more experience from life and using that experience in everything you come across.

You are trying to help a man who just committed suicide, (I believe you are Buddhist/Taoist) but in your belief which contradicts mine, you cannot help a person who committed suicide, but you will be able to help some one who is going to commit suicide and I hope it won't happen.

And the red mark, probably you have demon infested home! But I hope you don't do that like that guy in 'World Wildest police video'

It's not advisable to wear socks or tight cloth(feeling of cricket) during night time and specially you want to go to sleep.
Zombies? Hmmm..... You watched too much movies :D .

If you watch a movie late at night and immediately sleep, there will be afterimages of some scene retains in your freshly slept brain.

Seven old wise man?

I also see seven Old wise mens too.

They are.

1)Ugama  -Batswana(Africa)-
2)Lee Wong -Chinese(Asia)-
3)Ibn Zakeer -Phoenician(Middle East)-
4)Arvel son of Faithlong -Welsh(West)-
5)Ranjit Sakshir -Indian(Indian Subcontinent, duh)-
6)Nadie -Native American(Current Canada)-
7)Ralaknix - From the demonic realm.
There is nothing here. Move along.


Well that is a very interesting perspective indeed.  Now the zombie stuff I would probably agree with you, (I do love my zombie movies, especially when I can scare myself with them). Some of your analysis only partly applies to me (which is not your fault in any way since you don't actually know me as well as I do) The red mark on my neck can be probably from stress (or "aggressive hello's")

*off topic question here.... the plural form of hello is hello's... right? Did I do it right?*

Now i'm curious about your beliefs if you wouldn't mind sharing. Since they seemed to assist your interpretation, I would like to be able to understand them.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


I hope my interpretation was a little accurate.

My belief is usually I say that I am agnostic or atheist over the whole net, but I am truly Muslim.

-Please, if you want to critique Islam, this is not the place, go the or, which ever is preferable and blast whatever you want about this religion and write or read what ever S#it about Islam.-

As a Muslim, there are things that are forbidden,  like astrology, witchcraft, and soothsaying-Palm reading and so on.


Because the knowledge of what going to happens is only written in the Book of Fate and Fortune which is written by God only, and you say that you know about future and what's going to happen from Palm reading, Cards, Astrology and so on is a direct disbelief of God.

Exception of dream Interpretation, because dreams are like personal premonition, forewarner, tells your current/past/future condition if you don't change something and so on.

All in Quran/Bible and Torah, the Story of Yozerseph/Yosef/Joseph son of Yakub/Jacob, he interprets the dream of the King(Not a Pharaoh, but a Nyksos King).

In which 7 fat cows eat 7 other thin cows and 7 corns replaced with 7 withered ones, Yosef says that there will be a great depression and shortage of food in 7 years from here if we don't do anything to the current pace of consumption.

As you have seen now from the example above.

As, when a person is disturbed, gets subliminal messages, wrong path and so on, dreams will work on them and start functioning in the deep subconscious and project it as a form of a dream, usually in the area where the Brain gets images from the eye.

Astral Flight, I am sure it means your soul parts from your body and travel some where else, had the feeling before, but it is just recalling the places you have visited.

But in Islam, sleeping is called the inferior death and while dying is called the superior death, why?

Because while asleep the soul doesn't wonder of far, but remains in the same magnitude of that of the body but in a different dimension and in a real called dream world. So as death, when we die, our conscious remains in the grave(scary, I know) yet our souls depart from the body and remains in a realm called Barzakh, but not far from the body in magnitude. In other words, in both cases, the soul hovers around the body and doesn't wonder of like a ghost.

That's why we also do not beleive much in ghost, if an invisible force disturbing us, we say it's the handi work of the Djinn.

Hope I have lifted some curtains.

There is nothing here. Move along.


I'm not arguing against your beliefs dreamer but i do believe in astrology, witchcraft, and soothsaying-Palm reading and so on.

The same reason you don't believe is the same reason i do. God is the only one who controls fate but without someone to attempt to twist it who is his adversary?

If he had no nemesis we would all be in heaven right now instead of trailing over who humans need to serve god or the abyss?
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

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