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Weird Forest Dream

Started by Raven-Alexandria, December 06, 2009, 02:08:47 PM

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OK sorry I'm new and This is my first post so I hope I'm doing it right...
So well this is just one of my confusing dream.

Me and my friend where walking through the forest on a trail pushing our bikes. I don't know where we were going, we just kept walking and walking. And while we where walking a little girl dressed in an all white old Victorian style dress and had white blond gold hair that was in loose curls kept poping up and mouthing 'help me'. I was the only one that could see her and my friend was getting more annoyed with me because I was getting distracted from our conversation. Finally I told her I couldn't help her and that I was sorry that I couldn't she just disappeared and didn't come back, then I woke up.

Then the next night I had a dream that was similar to that one:

I was walking alone pushing my bike and looking for my friend because she got mad at me and ran off.  Then as I was walking the little girl kept popping up again but instead this time she said 'no one loves you'. She kept saying it over and over again until I started to cry. Then I got to a hill and I heard a piano playing, the song I don't remember it, but it was just beautiful. Then the little girl poped up again and said 'no one loves you but I'm warning you don't go in the cabin' then she disappeared. As I walked up the hill a BIG cabin came into view. The music was still playing and for some reason it drew me into the cabin (the music was coming from in the cabin). The Cabin way dark and old and empty. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and the piano stopped playing and it was the only thing in the room. I yelled Hello Is Anyone here and I got no answer.. Just as I was about to turn around a voice said 'I love you, stay with me forever'. It scared me so much I ran out of the cabin. then once I got out side I picked up my bike and started walking with it again. And the little girl poped up again laughing at me she said 'see I told you no one loves you'. And I looked up at the cabin and in the window was a man but he was full shadow. and I turn and tarted walking and once I got to where the hill started going down again I walked into a white light and woke up.

The weird thing is I have dreamt about the same shadow guy before, And I have actual seen him in my house and so has my mom, And one of my friends got possessed by a ghost that looked exactly like the little girl. Does anyone know what this dream might mean?


First of all, welcome to Monstrous.'

Second, about your dream. The little girl' I am guessing may be related to a part of your personality that is in denial of yourself. That may be why the girl keptt popping up and saying "No body loves you".

Hope I helped.
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


Thanks. And ya it knda did but the little girl possesend one of my friends when he and some people where messing around with a spirit board and his name is Alex and I usaly go by alex so it was really weird and creepy >.<

rave phillaphia

did you guys play the game before or after the dreams started happening?


I didn't even play with it, I barley even knew him when he played with the spirit board. And the dream was after he played with it a while after, almost a year I think.

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