
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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What did this mean?

Started by matthew321, March 31, 2010, 02:34:32 PM

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In my dream I had been in a 1700's looking room with furniture, this room was inside of a high school near me. I had discovered the trick to levitation in my dream and at first it was like a jump with a slow fall. Everyone thought I was doing a real cool trick but nothing special. Then I went behind a chair and crossed my legs and I started levitating. however I realized I was watched and to cover it up I tried to make it look like I was holding my weight using the back of the chair. I failed in this persuasion and I was accused by a person I barely know as being a "soul walker". This person in real life knows nothing of other worldly creatures and this confused me. There were no out of ordinary characters in the room either. I'm trying to figure out what a "soul walker" is or what it means. Perhaps it is a slang but it  is a question that has perplexed me in the last week.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


be careful not to interprit dreams literally. perhaps the word is an anigram , or a metaphor for something else? Dreams are enver simple to understand.


Yes but my dreams have to be read backwards, as well as forwards. They contradict themselves so the method of interpretation must also contradict itself. (Two negatives make a positive sort of thing) I know what you are thinking "why not just look at them forward and save that work?" because then I would never analyze the dream from the vast perspectives and I would be unable to arrive at my answer. Which are usually wrong or off no matter what. But I do eventually get the idea...

Thanks for your input.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


lol youre on the right track. Dreams are often illogical , so youve got to be illogical too ^^


Quote from: Lupus on April 06, 2010, 03:56:54 AM
lol youre on the right track. Dreams are often illogical , so youve got to be illogical too ^^
as true as can be... dreams are often cryptic messages our subconsious gives us about our wishes, fears, disires etc...
Don't interpret everything literally be seek the meaning behind the images...
cases like (I'm just picking an example at random here) marriage in dreams don't mean you want to marry them but are shown as a very close bond being made... Death usually doesn't mean that that person would die, but rather that you'll lose the bond/connection you have with that person.

Anyway, that's as far as my knowlegde about dreams go, but like lupus said, if you think illogical you'll probably figure out the message sooner

ps: I haven't really read the topic all to well, but just the part of dreams got my attention and I wanted to clarify of what I think lupus meant.
pps: lupus I did get your meaning correctly right?
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Quote from: LeXtruX on April 06, 2010, 10:59:55 AM
Quote from: Lupus on April 06, 2010, 03:56:54 AM
lol youre on the right track. Dreams are often illogical , so youve got to be illogical too ^^
as true as can be... dreams are often cryptic messages our subconsious gives us about our wishes, fears, disires etc...
Don't interpret everything literally be seek the meaning behind the images...
cases like (I'm just picking an example at random here) marriage in dreams don't mean you want to marry them but are shown as a very close bond being made... Death usually doesn't mean that that person would die, but rather that you'll lose the bond/connection you have with that person.

Anyway, that's as far as my knowlegde about dreams go, but like lupus said, if you think illogical you'll probably figure out the message sooner

ps: I haven't really read the topic all to well, but just the part of dreams got my attention and I wanted to clarify of what I think lupus meant.
pps: lupus I did get your meaning correctly right?

yeh , you got it. XD


Hi Matthew.
Interesting dream this. As i understand it it started off as a normal dream ,  ie you witnessing your own subconcious mindstream, then you started to do something different.

When you were trying to levitate, your dreaming body was in fact waking up and starting to exert itself. Whilst inside the dream you started to activate your  psychic side.This meant that you started to interact with your energetic surroundings.  You were not seeing it clearly, (only symbolically) but  the conversation you had with the being that called you a 'soul walker' was actually a real information exchange with a dream guide that was watching your psychic (dreaming ) awareness wake up.

Sorry if this explanation is a bit rich with jargon. I see what happened to you in the dream very clearly, explaining it is a bit trickier though.

At a guess i would say that whilst levitating you had strange sensations in the pit of your stomach. Also maintaining these sensations was the key to the levitating trick. Am i right?
This sensation in the pit of the stomach whilst dreaming is a very important key to all sorts of things. Curiosly it is a sensation that is can never be in your physical body.It is not something you can access through your daily awareness. It is a supramundane experience.  It is in your energy (dreaming) body. This is the start of what 'soul walking' is all about.


So instead of "soul walking" you are saying it is more like soul travel.
It does make sense and I did get that feeling in my stomach. Thank you for clearing this one up for me I think you are spot on with this one. Now I need to figure out how to talk to that dream guide...

Also were you saying that my soul was doing something in real life that my physical mind could not understand so I saw it as a dream? If that is the case then I get a lot of things like this. My soul understands by not my physical mind...

thank you 
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Hi Matthew,
as i see it your soul opened its eyes whilst you were asleep. A normal dream became something a little more involving. You didnt travel anywhere you just started to become properly aware at another level.
Your mind did its best to interpret what happened, hence you have a memory of this dream that you wrote about. Your mind is not yet trained enough to see things clearly though. Its a bit like trying t see through dirty stained glass window. You tend to see the story on the   stained glass rather than what is on the other side of it. This is normal though. With practice you can clean this up.
Your soul at this stage is a bit like a foetus. It is starting to become aware but it is too soon for it to act. You need to nurse it and care for it at this stage.

Yes the soul can know and understand things directly.Often the physical mind totally screws this up and gets in the way though. It wants to be in control and know things, have answers and explanations based on thinking and concepts. Its an annoying habit that inhibits real growth. Best thing to do is to learn how to keep it quiet. Its a bit of a paradoxical statement but the best way i can recommend to have clear rational thinking is to keep the mind empty of thoughts. Its one of those things that is understood by doing it rather than thinking about it.

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