Monstrous Café > Mayday! Mayday!

Graphic nightmares constantly

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Well, you are very welcome. We dont always  have all the answers, but I can say without a doubt we are usualy willing to help in any way we can. If nothing else you have found a group of people who fully understand that not everything can be explained my modern science.

At the age of five, the mind isnt quiet as complicated as it is later on, but the subconcious dose strange things even at an early age. Maybe like a built in switch of some kind to avoid an overload....

An adoption is a pretty big thing to go through.... thats just one thing to look at as far as the state of mind you may have been in at the time.... could go along with the new begining or even the closure, but that wouldnt explain why you continued to have the dreams.

The next thing Im going to mention is kinda out of left field in a way, but ..... Do you have a general fealing that there are simply things wrong with the world or many of the people in it? Something that should be made right?   

(yes Im going somewhere with this depending on your answer)

I suppose but sometimes answers can be found in the oddest places, from the most random people.
I just saw you guys had information on dreams, and I figured why not? I got my MRI  back and as I thought, 100% normal. So that crosses out anything physical and really breaks it down to mental.
Actually, I was adopted as a baby (12 hours old) so nothing around that ever made me confused, I never really cared that I was adopted or was curious about my parents until recently. Otherwise I would Definitely blame that on the nightmares, would make complete sense.

I would have to say yes, I always did have my obvious dislikes on people whether I knew them or not. I always thought the world and the people in it were off. Some people were okay, a lot were fake, a lot couldn't be trusted and seemed to put on a mask to everybody or would look down on others even if they didn't say or do things they just  gave off this enormous vibe, even the nicest people could have brutally murdered another person. But of course I did have my friends, I was pretty happy and social as a young girl but I would say I was more aware of things.  When you grow up as a girl though, elementary school and middle school can be pretty challenging, girls go nuts like a freak show- if you're different in any way it suddenly becomes Bad so MOST girls I didn't like, simply because they were mean in a immature way. With age I got more aware of things and at an all time extreme would say yes, this world and the people in it are so off I can hardly stand it. Can't dance around that question.

Sky, could you please change your postings font and color, with dark background its very hard to read it, and I doubt people will feel like highlighting them every time. Thank you ;)

Oh weird! It must show up very different on my screen, its a dark background with a medium shade of font that seems to show up really well (must be my settings) but I'll be sure to change it thanks (:

No problem, thank you :)


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