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--- Quote from: M Sidhe on February 24, 2007, 02:29:06 PM ---Nest of Fairies
by Doug Harrington
I have a large house with numerous fields and paddocks in the countryside and often go for long walks around my land. I went on one walk at the beginning of winter so that all of the leaves had fallen, and I noticed two empty birds nests in easy climbing distance. I often collect them as I am a keen bird watcher and like to collect nests, old egg shells etc.
I came back to the fields with my ladder and climbed to collect them and I saw the strangest thing of my life. In the bird's nest were little, winged people. I was certain that whatever they were, they could only be described as fairies. They looked to be all female and were dancing around in circle. They looked exactly like humans, but only an inch tall and wearing clothes that looked to be made out of leaves.
I watched them for about an hour and they never took notice of me, so I went to go and get my wife. When I returned, they were still there and remained there for the whole of winter. My wife couldn't believe it, but was also certain they were fairies. About mid-March I went out go and check on them as I usually did, but they were gone. They never returned next winter. Every day, my wife and I went to watch them, and whether they were dancing, sleeping or just playing, they never took notice of me.
Color Fairies
by Yolanda Sarmiento
There are certain amazing occurrences that can be disregarded or easily explained. This story may, or may not, be one of those; it may have all been a hallucination! I have told this story only to immediate family or the closest of relations, and even then I did not tell the whole truth for fear of being disregarded or even scolded for telling falsehoods.

In the summer of 1996, when I was four years old, my aunt came over to visit me and my sisters. We were at that time living at the Sandpiper apartments in Whittier. We went outside to sit in the shade of the tree by our staircase with a water bottle each, and plopped down on the stairs by our apartment.
Everything was fine, and we were just playing and having a good time. All at once, the sky grew darker as a cloud passed over the sun. I didn't get that; there had been not a cloud in sight. Here is where it gets weird. I can last remember hearing laughing that was strangely muffled right before I fell into what could be described as a faint.
I opened my eyes to find a beautiful, almost human face staring back at me, with an expression of confounding. I sat up, confused, but curious. That's when I saw it had wings, light green, gauzelike. I started and heard it speak. It asked why I was there in a soft, dreamy, quizzical voice, then told me, "You should go to the purple one. She'll know." I suddenly found myself before a creature like the other, but with lavender wings.
She sent me to yet another, with orange wings. It was then I noticed that it was gradually getting harder for me to breathe before the orange – I guess you could say, "fairy." I was almost gasping and I felt lightheaded.
"You don't belong here," it said, almost angrily. "YOU SHOULD BE IN ANOTHER PLACE! You..." She didn't finish because at that moment a creature that was more grand than all the others with piercing, blue, translucent wings that matched her ocean eyes, alighted from the right of my view.
"You don't go here, not now, not ever again," it said in a voice, soft but striking, like a cloud that turns to thunder. I felt my breath catch in my lungs. As I choked for oxygen, she started a chant of, "Go home. Leave this place. Go home, leave this place."
As she did so, I heard voices around me, muffled. At first, but gaining strength fast, I felt air start to seep into me. I gasped as if taking the breath of life for the first time, and I awoke to find myself on our sofa in the living room surrounded by my parents, sisters and my panic-stricken aunt.
Being only four, and not having a very broad vocabulary, I told them at once, "The green fairy told me to go to the purple fairy, the purple fairy told me to go to the orange fairy, then I saw the blue fairy and she told me to go home," all in one breath. They didn't know what to make of it and it wasn't mentioned again. It may have all been a dream or something, I imagined.
But when I came to, I could have sworn I saw a blue shimmer out of the corner of my eye. But when I turned, of course, there was nothing there. I still sometimes dream of them, but they are never substance or vivid as "the day I passed-out" as my parents call it. However, I'll never forget my pass-out fairies.
Faery Friends
by Marlene
It was on the 22nd of June, 1999. I remember it so well. It was around 9 p.m. and I was outside under the growing moon. I was facing the east with my arms stretched up too the sky and I was asking for blessings for all the beautiful people upon Mother Earth. I turned around and looked up on top of the roof of the house, and there hovering about four feet above the tiles were two glowing lights! At first I was logically thinking, maybe it's a cobweb and is glowing under the moon's rays. But no, whatever it was hovering up and down - both of these glowing light's!
Suddenly, I had this feeling come over me that whatever it was wasn't bad but good. I held my left hand out (the hand too receive) and I said, "It's okay, you can come to me. I mean you no harm." The glowing balls of light hovered down. Then I could see quite clearly that they were faeries. The female one landed right on my left hand, and I could see there was a male faerie hovering just back from her about eight inches away! My feelings told me that these beautiful beings were there for me for a special reason.
Just then my eldest daughter came running out the back door; she was having trouble getting the lid off something and needed help. They were scared away. They just disappeared like that! I was taken aback with awe and wonder what I had just experienced. After my encounter, I did much research into faeries to learn all about them. I feel that these faeries have some connection with me now; I feel them close by even though they have not shown themselves again to me since this night. I leave them gifts.
The Fairies
by Kelly
My whole life I have been out to find fairies. Ever since I was about five years old, I had been addicted to their mysterious, delicate and beautiful features that I have seen. My parents always told we that I would never find any and that they were not real. I kept to my beliefs and told them I was going to find one if it took my whole life. Well, one night my little sister and I proved them wrong.
It was a very clear July night and a beautiful full moon. I had decided to take my little sister out to the orchard (which was right across the street from my house) to lie on a blanket and look at the stars. On our walk over there, I saw a circle of mushrooms. I said to my little sister, "This is a known place where people can find fairies." She looked up at me and whispered, "Do you think we will see some." I did not know what to say to her because I did not want her to become disappointed, so I told her that we might, but they can be very unpredictable.
So we walked around the circle to get out of all the apple trees and peach trees. When we laid down, my sister started to ask me about what I had known about fairies. I told her every thing that I had known at that time, then she got real excited about seeing a fairy. We both laid there very open-eyed, looking for a fairy. Then my sister looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Sissy, what color are all of the fairies?" I told her that they could be any color. Then she asked if they could be blue and green with sparkles. I responded while getting the idea that she had seen one, "Yes. Why? Have you seen one?" She said, "Well, yea I think. They're all over there by that mushroom circle."
As I turned my head in disbelief, I was wondering whether my lifetime dream had come true. Sure enough, it was true. When I looked in that direction, all I saw was a light source with five green and blue brighter lights. I got up slowly thinking that if I walked up to them slowly that I could get a closer glimpse. As soon as I was about two feet away from them, they all disappeared. When they disappeared, I could swear that I had heard the music that sounded like it was coming from a harp. They all flew down like they were hiding under the mushrooms.
I knew it was bad luck to pick a mushroom or even disturb it, so I just looked as close to it as I could. Just as I was looking under the mushrooms, I heard the voice of my dad. My sister and I looked at each other with disbelief in our eyes. We ran inside to tell my dad the story about what had just happened. He looked at me like I had gone mentally crazy with my obsession with fairies. I told him that I would show him, and we all walk across the street.
When we got to the other side of the street, I could not see the fairies, but I could hear the harp sound that I had heard before. I told everybody to walk very slowly and to make no noise. We got about six feet from them and we could all see the blue and green lights from a distance. My mom and dad looked at each other with confused faces. Then he looked at me and said something that meant so much to me, and I never thought that I would hear him say in my life: "You were right. Fairies do exist."
Ever since then, every full moon, we all sit in the orchard and listen to the beautiful harp music and enjoy the company of the mystical creatures that live across the street.

--- End quote ---
I believe they wr elves..


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