Witches Brew > Dreaming

Nightmare 911

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Sounds to me like you are drowning in your fears and lay blame on yourself for everything. Time to stop being so self destructive.

Really I will try.

Uhm. Nightmares. Uuh. I haven't had a nightmare that i actually got scared off =\

It always ends up in me overcoming whatever is so "scary" in the dream and i actually have fun.

Can anyone explain that?

So i have constant nightmares, but sometimes there are the ones that stand way out and scare the s**t out of me, the kind that freak me out even when im surrounded by people in broad daylight. So I had one where for some reason I was in a different family. I had a mom who was pregnant and a father and i had been adopted. I had a two yr old brother and an eight yr old sister. My father had died of a sickness and we were living on our own. One night i heard crying in my brothers room and went to see what was wrong. when i got there the door was locked and he was screaming and i heard someone in there. i started yelling and trying to open then door when i swung open. It was dark and all i could see was a dark liquid spreading toward the door. I walk in and see and large lump on the floor in the moonlight. My baby brother has fang marks on his neck and is dead. I started to cry when i saw a shadow infront of me and ran. i grabbed my sister and mother and pulled them out the door. there was a group chasing us. we ran into a grave yard when i realized my sister wasn't behind us. i told my mom to keep running and went to find her. i found her tied to a grave with a knife in her chest and fang marks again. I screamed and screamed and then a man came out from behind the grave towards me. I heard my mom screaming and ran after her. Someone was attacking her so it hit them with something. i dont know what. any way then the police where there and chased off what ever was attacking us. then my mom went into labor and had twins and she died in labor. a few months later me and my new twin brothers were staying at my grandparents house. it was night and i was in my room. i went to get some water but my door was locked. the guy from the graveyard was there. I know I knew him i just cant remember who it was. then i woke up.

Anyone care to try and explain that?


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