Aliens, ETs and UFOs > Sightings!

Instead of burglar, man took pictures of alien

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Kinda reminds me of Glacius from Killer Instinct for some reason...must be the lack of a mouth.

Mr. Kreepy:
Dude, I can't believe you mentioned that video game. I freakin' loved that s**t! Played it all the time on my old NES as a kid.

I think you mean SNES...

I didn't own one when I was a kid (bought mine a few months ago at a swap meet, but it seems to have died recently... :oops:), but I've played the ROM.

Mr. Kreepy:
Ah yeah, it was the SNES wasn't it. My bad.
Sucks that your system died. Maybe you could find a tutorial online that could guide you through fixing it? That's how I got my Atari up and running again. HELL YEAH CENTIPEDE!
Edit: I realize I've just totally derailed the thread, so, to get :focus:

Yes, Nina, you did manage to kreep the Kreep :laugh:
If I might ask, how did you come across that video?

Okay, lemme just say a couple things before we get back on track...

I had this problem with my N64, and I managed to eventually get it to work as well. So perhaps it's just being stubborn. Also, I totally forgot that I have the GameBoy version of Killer Instinct.


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