The apparitions of Mary through history

Started by Loki, January 01, 2007, 05:52:26 AM

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There are dozens of apparitions of Mary, most often when a civilization is being persecuted or tested, or the faithful have gone astray.

She often takes on some characteristic of the culture. In Lourdes, France, she spoke the Patois dialect. In Medjugorie, she speaks Croatian. In Japan, she looked Japanese. In Mexico, she wore the black sash which was an Aztec symbol for a pregnant woman.

She urges repentance and prayer for the world, often asking that the rosary be prayed.

Some of the better known apparitions:

# Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 1251, Aylesford, England, spoke to Friar Simon Stock, and gave him a small brown woolen cloth, called a scapular, which was said to "shield (one) in time of danger."

# Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1531, Guadalupe, Mexico, spoke to poor Aztec Indian Juan Diego. "I am the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God." As a miraculous sign, there were roses growing in December that Juan Diego took to his Bishop as proof.

# Our Lady of Lavang, 1798, La' Vang, Vietnam, spoke to persecuted Vietnamese Catholics, who had been driven into the dense forests of La' Vang. She instructed them to use the boiled leaves of nearby trees to heal their battle wounds.

# Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, 1830, Paris, France, spoke in several appearances to a 24-year-old Sisters of Charity novice nun. The apparition is said to have asked for a medal to be fashioned with the words, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

# Our Lady of Lourdes, 1858, Lourdes, France, made 18 appearances to an impoverished, emaciated, 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous, instructing her on the last visit to dig a hole in the ground and drink the water in it and bathe in it. Since 1862, millions have flocked to the site for healing.

# Our Lady of Knock, 1879, Knock, Ireland, appeared to about 15 people in Mayo County, which was suffering a great wave of immigration due to famine and economic decline. Standing on either side of Our Lady of Knock was Joseph and St. John the Evangelist.

# Our Lady of Fatima, 1917, Fatima, Portugal, appeared six times to three shepherd children, in which she made three prophecies, one of which was World War II. The third secret was written down, but not revealed by the children, and remains in the possession of the Holy See.

# Appearances of Mary, Our Lady Queen of Peace, to several young people in Medjugorie, Croatia, since June 25, 1981, have not yet been authenticated.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

#Our Lady of Lourdes, 1858, Lourdes, France, made 18 appearances to an impoverished, emaciated, 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous, instructing her on the last visit to dig a hole in the ground and drink the water in it and bathe in it. Since 1862, millions have flocked to the site for healing. ************************************************************************************

I've often wondered about this one.  After seeing the movie years ago I found the book in the library.  This girl was simple and uneducated.  When questioned about the identity of the 'lady', Bernadette said, "She said 'I am the immaculate conception.'"  She never backed down on what the 'lady' said to her. 

This doesn't make any sense to me at all.  Does anyone know anything more about this particular one?

I don't know what the other visions might be.  They might be of G-d, I simply can't say.

