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H.P. Lovecraft

Started by omnipotentoculus, January 28, 2006, 07:22:50 PM

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I have been reading some of his stories lately and for those of you who don't know, this guy is the godfather of horror. His stories are like Edgar Allen Poe's nightmares on acid. I am starting a collection of his best works and it is intense. I was wondering if there were anyother Lovecraft fans here at monstrous.
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alastor moon

he's okay once in a while but my moods for certain genre change from time to time.
" 'tis now the witching time of night,
when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths out contagion to this world,
now, could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on."

Dark Lord M

I love his story "Call of Cthulhu". I made ashirt with cthulhu's head on it and it says "CDNLU" standing for Cthulhu Does Not Love U, I had a mistake one with the letters upside down and sideways, people turn their heads and ask me what it meens, and I say "nothing". They go all confused and walk away kinda funny, going to the Cthulhu makes people insane. :P

M Sidhe

I know this topic is rather old, but I jumped back in the Lovecraft mood if you've seen my current avatars. I've even got a Ithaqua and Shoggoth plush. BUt does anyone know where I can get the Lovecraftian tale 'The Horror From the Hills' without buying the book?


Ha! I didn't know they made plushes of the other Elders! I have one of Cthulu that my friend got me for my 21st birthday.

Check Wikipedia and other "Creative Commons" websites. Lovecraft is so old he should be public domain by this point.
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M Sidhe

I've looked, but alls I found are just to buy it which is like 70 dollars for a small sotry.


I don't know that H.P. wrote that story. Here are a list of titles that are viewable online

give that a look.
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M Sidhe

Oh, thanks fo the link. But the story I'm looking for wasn't written by Lovecraft, but one of his friends. I know its' not Derleth. I think his last name is Long.

M Sidhe

I just finished reading Pickman's Model, it was very good! Ghouls. :p

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