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A book I read

Started by ErickaBlack, July 17, 2006, 11:15:22 AM

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I just finished reading a new publication and I cannot say enough about it. Granted, due to the request for no editorial input, there are a few grammatical errors, but otherwise, it's phenominal! The book is called "The Unicorns Quest." It is written by a man named Jonathan Soule. He is a Utah resident with amazing talent. The book was published through Publish America. It has yet to take off in the way of sales, but hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Here's a brief summary:

A girl and her brother are torn from earth and transported into a mysterious new world. Once there, they discover that they must help save this world from ruin. It is a great story with loveable characters and a whole lot of magick. Enjoy!!!
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