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making a dino

Started by whitefox17, July 10, 2008, 12:52:22 PM

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Hmm...animals with baby fist sized brains at best......yep they got a good chance against the humans  *<:) *<:) *<:) *<:)   :gun:
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


they do
a bullet wont hurt a dino
and they will have a bigger brain theb that
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Are you seriously claiming that the species responsible for developing the atomic bomb,that most terrible of ecological scourges,  would be unable to preserve itself  in the event of an uprising by far more primitive life-form that never quite succeeded in mastering the complex skill of tool-making? Get real.  *<:)
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


uh...sha. Knowing them, they'll forget to load the bomb on the aircraft and detonate it still in the hangar. I work for the government trust me I know what kind of inept tools they use for jobs like that. hear about the recent load of nukes they "misplaced" then found out someone had loaded the wrong box onto a cargo plane? I rest my case
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


um dinos weren't primitive
a raptor was two times as smart as a human
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*begins to knock his head against the wall in extreme exasperation*
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight

rave phillaphia

just one thing about the emu... Dinosaurs are not extinct. The only living dinosaurs are birds aka Avian dinosaurs are the only living dinosaurs alive. An emu is supposedly related to the raptor. A raptor didn't really eat big meat like in jurassic park they are known to eat small animals and lizzards. Its theorized that they ate eggs but that might be wrong because it might be their own eggs they found these raptors located with. Right now there are several different types of raptors. They hunted in packs it is theorized but kind of like how birds act today. To know how dinosaurs acted we should look at how birds act because they are the last dinosaurs.

Yes I think its a stupid idea to try to bring back the old dinosaurs like in jurassic park but it will not work because they do not have the dna to match up the genetic splicing to do so. The only dinosaur they could do that is the T-Rex because they accedentally stumbled upon a way to get the midochondral dna from the bones because how the T-Rex was preserved. But they don't have enough information to do that anyways or the money or rights to do it so we shouldn't really worry about it.

P.S Dinosaurs are not stupid creatures like people give them credit. Its just that when the metorite hit the earth it caused a sudden cooling of the earth and they couldn't handle it because the sun was blocked out by the dust kicked up killing the plants. no plants no plant eaters no meat eaters mass extinction and now my kitten is playing with my mouse so i have to stop the KITTY!!!!!


Dinos would certainy have been ''stupid'' in comparision with modern humans. They were doubtlessly highly successful life-forms able to thrive in their diverse habitats, but there is absolutely nothing to indicate that they possessed anything which remotely resembled what is commonly termed ''self-awareness''. With regard to what you said about the inability of current science to clone dinos,I must confess that I am greviously dissapointed. So much for my dream of someday having my own private dino wild-life reserve.  :-(
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


ya some raptors ate big prey
like the one that took down the iguanadon
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...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


nah really
and no trust me please
dinosauria were as smart as humans personaly I thought they were smarter
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Quote from: TheTerror on August 21, 2008, 03:01:06 AM
nah really
and no trust me please
dinosauria were as smart as humans personaly I thought they were smarter

I'll try to be merciful because you're young...
But seriously, how could a dinosaur be as smart as a human?
I mean, even our closest relatives, the great apes, don't even come close. The closest to our intelligence in the animal kingdom is the whale family.

Here's an example of the intelligence of dinosaurs:
The troodon, considered by many paleontologists to be one of the smartest dinosaurs, had a brain larger in relation to its body than any other dinosaur discovered so far.
Guess what? It was the size of a chicken and had a brain the size of a small lizard's brain. Thus, it would have had an intelligence level equal to that of a modern bird, based on the relational brain size.

I guess I should make it simpler so you can understand it:
The smartest dinosaur that ever lived was only slightly smarter than a crow.

You can look it up if you don't believe me. Of course, I doubt you'll do so. You seem to have a tendency to be quite comfortable in the little fantasy world you live in.

I don't mean to offend, Terror, but you really ought to research such things before you open your mouth.


QuoteHere's an example of the intelligence of dinosaurs:
The troodon, considered by many paleontologists to be one of the smartest dinosaurs, had a brain larger in relation to its body than any other dinosaur discovered so far.
Guess what? It was the size of a chicken and had a brain the size of a small lizard's brain. Thus, it would have had an intelligence level equal to that of a modern bird, based on the relational brain size.
Actually, brain size doesn't matter in relation to intelligence. They've found a parrot that has the intelligence of a fifth grader whose brain is smaller then a human hand, & a spider who uses strategy & varied hunting techniques, & who has even been recorded in a lab making stuff up a she goes along. Which means she has to have imagination, with a brain smaller than most most spiders in proportion, & only the size of a grain of salt.


thx pet and really don't know how old I am um and don't look on me profile cause thats not it
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