
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Russian Soldiers find Unknown creature

Started by Scotty, September 07, 2006, 02:20:20 AM

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 No.. I didn't mean that one. I meant if there was one that held the creature.... So pffffft!  :-P *<:)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


well its either some mangled dead whale or could be somthing from the abyss that hasn't been identified, you get all sorts of wierd things at the bottom of the ocean.  :-D

longest jellyfish species

goblin shark
"I see" said the Blind Man to the Deaf Bishop

Mr. Kreepy

Jeez :-o
That goblin shark is one ugly little bastard. Good lord! I guess it's proof of how much of a heartless ice queen Mother Nature is. :laugh:


I don't know, Fiend, there seems to be a family resemblance between the two of you...

Also, I've looked at the pics... and I have to agree, they look like small whales of some kind, not plesiosaurs.


     It is possible that this is a relative to the Alligator Gar, found mostly in the States, but has also been found in Malayasia and Indonisia.  I say this because of its body structure and the skeletal fins I see in the pics above.  If it is then its the biggest Gar I have seen to date, and no I can not explain the hair (unless of course its lichen from the water, as Gars hunt in reeds and shallows, like alligators and crocks)   :spy:
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


 The "hair" or "fur" on the creature could also be algae or seaweed. I highly doubt that it's some "unknown".  And who took those Shiyty @ss pictures??? Can we get a close up please?? Some detail. Move it around you sissies.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


This is interesting, and at first glance I thought it was a plesiosaur (sp?) myself.  But it kind of looks like a whale skull.  I noticed belugas had a similar looking skull when I did a search, and they are probably found in that area.  I wish we could get better photos of these things too :-/
"The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself" -Ernest Hemingway


hmm this is quite interesting. it certainly does look like a prehistoric sea creature , but i am inclined to belive its some sort of shark. after all , it's mostly skeleton at this point , which makes me wonder wether its a corpse of a shark , that has been caught , finned , and thrown back in the sea , and got washed up in russia.
or it the shark just got washed up there.


haha, you know what, it kind of looks like a camel lol!  I mean, I know the tail is too long, but wouldn't it be funny if they just stuck a camel head on a whale body?

can't be too careful with those Russians!  he he he
"The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself" -Ernest Hemingway


its a leopleuradon charlie a magincal leoplueradon its gunna guide our way to candy mountain :-D
'Every man has his price'
- Sir Robert Walpole
'There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.'
- Salvador Dali

rave phillaphia

because it was found in an old marsh that was transformed into a tundra (so froze over) and now is melting again, it could be some sort of animal that was from the early ice age. Maybe some type of land sloth or something sort of like that. It looks pretty old though


 It was found washed up on the shore. From the ocean.....

That's where Sakhalin, Russia is.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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