
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Wrong Turn 2

Started by Demona, August 08, 2007, 12:06:30 AM

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Who's seen Wrong Turn? You know, the movie about a group of people in the mountains, who are targeted and many of them, eaten by a group of three cannibals? There's going to be a straight to video release of it's sequel, from what I read, in October. I liked the movie when I saw it, and may look for the second if I remember.
Burn red and gold, the deep dark colors of the snakes I hold!


yea it was pretty close except these guys were zombies.
We are all monsters in some way.


Some similarities but the guys in Wrong Turn were humans disfigured by years of inbreeding, The Hills Have Eyes's gang were mutants.
Burn red and gold, the deep dark colors of the snakes I hold!

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