
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Remake of the George Romero's 1978 film - Dawn of the Dead

Started by Loki, August 05, 2004, 02:23:24 AM

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Nothing really surprising but you don't get bored a second - Those zombie bastards can run too !
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


i loved it ... rates high for me... like u said loki, never get bored, i loved the humour element from the sheer horror of it :D had reasonable character development (for that sorta movie) just the right amount of the human element.. i wasn't out for any surprises.. it didn't try to be anything more than it was.. a zmobie movie... just lots of horiffic zombies to laugh at when it got way too grim.. :D good suspense and the middle section with the sex etc was great :P overall... great movie.. loved it.. have to get it on dvd for sure :)


=.='' well, i JUST finished watching this show... like what you guys said... never a bored moment... though the ending is a bit sad for me... the ending you guys watched is the cam corder version?? i hope it's not only for dvd version... still can't believe they've shot Jay Leno... :shock:

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