
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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The Grudge

Started by Anonymous, October 24, 2004, 03:07:12 AM

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Has seen the Grudge yet?It's a Hollywood remake of a hit Japanese horror flick and stars Sarah Michell Gellar,heroine of the the now defunct Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv series.If you have,tell me what you think of the movie.


I saw it last night, Maggot - scared the crap out of me at some parts, and made me laugh my ass of at others... Gellar should NOT have tried her hand a the Japanese language - boy does she suck...

Overall I thought the concept was good, but there wasn't too much of a driving plot to it. I thought that some of the reactions were rather genuine instead of the modern american standard of: "I can take it! Let's get this thing before it gets us!" (Lame)

Anyway - I liked the film and reccomend you take your scardy-cat girlfriend to go see it to make the funny parts all the funnier.



It's a good film and Gellar is great eye candy.  Not one of the best horror films I've seen, but definitely a good scarey movie.


They was some parts in it that was really freaky!  the directed didn't know that much english and some parts was based on a true story.

1 the place was supposely really haunted.
2 a young woman and child were killed in that house, and the husband hung himself after.
3 that woman was having an affair with that guy which he killed himself after she died.

...I didn't get the whole cat thing though...

maggot man

Let's go visit that place,Sonnillon. Might be fun. :twisted:


:cry: Its scary in there...

maggot man

Aww, You're not game then?


Of course I am!  :lol: Would want to hear you scream though..

maggot man

We'll see who screams when we get there.  :evil:


now your mad ... :lol: fine but I warned you, I have sensitive ears so don't scream loud I beg of you.


It wasnt a bad movie, I doubt I'll see the sequel if its made tho


It was more of a creepy thing going on but I started to become chicken at the last parts of the movie :roll:

Naughty Faery

I think the original Japanese film was more scarey... but the remake one was way more graphical
Live it, Breathe it, Be it.


it was a good movie but the plot could have been hidden better. but mabye that's just me

Queen raina Loup-Garou

I absolutly hated the grudge. I took it out a half way in

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