
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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The Fog

Started by Beast, October 20, 2005, 07:54:29 PM

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You know what I really enjoyed this remake. I breifly watched the original but was cut short for some reason I can't remember. But what I really enjoyed was all the suspense. I mean even up until the end the suspense was hard at work keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Devious Viper

Was the original a John Carpenter movie? With Jamie Lee Curtis in a co-starring role? I didn't know there was a remake. Gonna have a trawl across the web now, as I'd like to see this! Thanks!

~ Viper ~


Tom Welling in a horror movie?


No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always arrived first, and is waiting for it.  -Terry Pratchett

Devious Viper

Dunno who Tom Welling is, but having read some reviews I'm disappointed. Oh well. I'll wait til its in the remaindered bin at Blockbuster, I guess.

Meantime, the original was pretty darned good! But still not a patch on the James Herbert novel from which it took its name (and little else.) But then hey! Herbert rocks! Take "The Dark", for example! QED!



Tom Welling is the actor who plays Clark Kent in Smallville, and also one of the main characters in this movie.

No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always arrived first, and is waiting for it.  -Terry Pratchett

Devious Viper

Bizarre! "The Fog" (Carpenter's) was shown on TV last night here in England. Thoroughly enjoyable chiller, couple of reasonable "boo!!" moments, great score (as usual with Carpenter.) I must have a quick trawl now to see if we've discussed Carpenter's films before... If we haven't, guess what new topic I'll be starting? :wink:


(Edited to add: Well, yeah, sort of, in THIS THREAD here, but it was a short discussion, hardly did him justice. Not sure if I should revive it... it has been dormant a while... Somebody else start us off. Alexander? Quest?)


I haven't seen this remake yet.  I liked the original.  I'm a Smallville watcher so I do like Welling's work.  If I can get a chance I'm going to go see it.


I have not seen it either but I did like the first one a lot

I will have to go and get this one 8-)


Yes,the first one was very good.  I hear this one is very different, but that has to be expected in a remake nowadays.

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