
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Strange animal, looks like a buffalo

Started by Strife, October 09, 2009, 12:45:00 PM

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 Don't apologize. You don't have a reason to, man. :-P No harm, no foul.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


There's a note at the bottom of the page that says another reader who lives in the area claims that it's just another person's Newfoundland that he allows to roam around without a leash. I'm actually leaning more towards this, since the head is the right shape, and large cats and dogs have very similar running gates to the untrained eye.


 I saw that too, but if it is actually a Newfie, it's in SERIOUS need of a groomer and a bath. What kind of jerk doesn't take care of their animal any better than that??? They should be shot!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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