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Started by Loki, May 19, 2004, 09:08:42 AM

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Dir: Guillermo del Toro
Cast: Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Selma Blair

Oh boy! What's going on in this fantasy, good vs evil film? Perhaps we are culturally too far removed from Hellboy as a Dark Horse Comics series created by Mike Mignola to appreciate Guillermo del Toro's (Blade II) feature interpretation. Or perhaps del Toro just made an eminently confused and forgettable film.

The film begins with a bizarre situation. Set during Hitler's Nazi rule, evil madman Grigori Rasputin (Karel Roden) is trying to open a portal, awaken the seven gods of chaos and save the result of World War II.

Out of this portal pops an infant, adopted by the Allies. Red, with baby horns and a tail, he is named Hellboy and raised by Professor Bloom, founder of the underground operation BPRD — Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense.

Hellboy (Ron Perlman) grows up with his 'father' Bloom. Born from the flames of hell, Hellboy (also known as HB and Red) grows up to become a fighter against the dark evils (allied with the FBI). His colleagues at BPRD are Mer-Man Abe (Doug Jones) and the pyro-kinetic Liz (Selma Blair).

But Grigori Rasputin needs Hellboy to invoke Armageddon. Will good triumph over evil? Will HB succumb to the evil forces? Is this film a comedy, a fantasy, horror?

Well, there are comic bits and the characterisation and look of HB is cute in parts — like how he shaves his horns down to fit in better and how he talks matters of the heart with a nine-year-old. Replete with seen-before computer graphics, effects, and grotesque demons, Hellboy fails to make the connection that Spiderman, Superman or other comic book films do.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


i agree.... not the best, and some bits were silly... but i enjoyed it a lot.. loved the HB attitude and visual...  for me it was one of those could-have-been-good-cept-for-the-stupid-bits movies... that got over the line of "enjoyable" ... as in... it didnt annoy me much :)

the "formula" of bigscreen action/fantasy/etc movies is starting to get to me... they try to make the movie enjoyable for a wide age bracket... which usually meany bad humour and not very compelling =\ ... anyone agree?

but like i sed... HB didnt do that to me so much.. oh man.. and the freak dude was SO cool :D

adios! (whatever that means)


It was weird, but good enough to buy :D

I luv Abe Sapien! :D

You cowered before me and I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

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