The Animal Within > Monstrous Animals

Embrace and Harness ... Madness, I tell you.


I'm surprised I haven't done this topic yet...
If you could learn to focus your energy, and train your body - Rather, if you could Harness the abilities of any creature...
What creature would it be, and what would you do with your new-found talents?

I haven't gone out and hunted down any articles on these guys yet, but sit back for a minute and think about this:

Fleas can jump on average 6 to 7 inches upwards, and 13 maybe 14 inches away.
By size, this is quite a remarkable feat, yes?
To jump something like 200 times your body length?
Oh sure, at this point, why not just learn to Fly?
But seriously... It's the Power of that.
Think what else could be learned, after that??

   Ninjas.  They can climb walls and do things that look impossable.  Takes training and practice.  Not the movie ones.  Chie Or key,  That  can stop your heart and knock you down by just touching you.  A Good practice would be like the 5 animals to start. 

Heh, try again Ninja Merowger.

Last I checked, a mastered form of martial arts, nor a lifestyle, counted them as being creatures.
Though in a sense, Humans are creatures...
I would have thought this being in the Monstrous Animals section would have made it clear enough...
But it didn't, so let me narrow this down.

When I say "Creature" I mean, Bug, Furball, Bird, Squid, Fish, Mammals, Arachnids, etc etc etc. Many different things to throw out there...
I hope this made it a little easier.

Ninja merowger, ha ,ha.


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