Ghosts, Poltergeists & Apparitions > Ghostly Encounters

paranormal ??

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Paranormal Avenues:
As a child and young man, I was plagued with paranormal occurrences which led me to recently start my website. Most of these took place on a piece of property my parents bought when I was twelve or so. In 1975, they built a house on this property and we moved in early the following year. Nothing about this new house or property seemed disturbing or foreboding at first, but within several months strange things started to happen. For me, the first thing was hearing my name called, quite clearly, when I was alone in the house. The voice was always that of my mother or father, never a strange voice, so that I would answer, thinking that they had simply returned home when, in fact, they hadn't.  This happened quite often, and it was quite unnerving, though I still wasn't really scared to be in the house alone.
The footsteps started next, and this was experienced by the entire family. We would be downstairs watching TV and would hear, as plain as day, someone walking down the upstairs hallway. This was not the house settling; often I remember my father going upstairs to check it out, only to find nothing.
Both my mother and sister said they saw dark apparitions at various times; my father and I never did. However, when I was sixteen, I was alone in the house on a bright, sunny summer day. I was sitting in the kitchen eating a sandwich, and there was a radio on the counter, which I had tuned to some rock station. As I was watching, the dial moved, slowly and deliberately, from the upper range to the lower range. That was the one time I DID run out of the house, and did not return until I knew my parents were home.
Years later, I separated from my first wife and moved back in with my parents foe a while. I once again experienced the footsteps, only this time I was alone and the steps were more like stomping, as if something was angry that I was back. Also during this time, I awoke one morning to the sensation of having my back and shoulders rubbed in a very erotic manner. This lasted until I jerked up in the bed, then it was gone.
I did see an apparition at my Grandmother's house, and she witnessed it also. I also saw a man, or what I thought at the time was a man, vanish in front of me at an old quarry. But most of the experiences I had were on that one piece of property.

Now, that's one very interesting and vivid story. o.O So did you found out later in life, what was the cause of the happenings on that property? Did it stop?

Welcome to Monstrous. I hope you will enjoy it here ;)

Paranormal Avenues:
Thank you.
Sad to say, I never have found out the source behind those events. I believe not knowing is what has fueled my interest in the paranormal over the years. My parents sold the property in 2000, and since then it has gone through six owners. The first owner was a property investor; he never actually lived in the house. He did a little remodeling and resold the house for a profit.
The second owners, to my understanding, lasted little more than a year. The wife became addicted to drugs and was institutionalized for a time; the father lost his job as an administrator at the local hospital. I really haven't heard anything from any of the subsequent owners, but it is a small town and people keep things like that to themselves for fear of being ostracized.
I would give anything  to spend some time back in that house. My personal theory is that at least one presence was demonic; some of the things that happened to my mother and sister were quite worse than what I experienced.


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