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Wand Makeing

Started by SKGS, August 03, 2011, 02:23:25 PM

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Finished the wand. I decorated it with several symbols and colors. Now it is wraped in a yellow clothe and put away till the next full moon.

It was a lot of fun and I think I will make another one. Does anyone have any suggestion? Just nothing with carving, I always cut myself when I use sharp
Knowledge is power.


Well, instead of carving you can get a woodburner.  Those are fun and pretty :)


Ooooh woodburners are fun! You just reminded me of arts & crafts at sleepaway camp. They are fun, make fire, look pretty, & make a good smell. Okay, anyway,  :focus: Congratulations on finishing the wand. I am a bit jealous since I love wands but they never seem to feel right, even ones I make. Enjoy!


Working on a cover to put the wand in instead of a box.
It will be white and with red ribbon to close the top.

Woodburners are kind of dangerous for me its like with knifes I seem to injure myself a lot and with a woodburner .....
Knowledge is power.

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