
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Alien/Human Hybrid Children

Started by Devious Viper, May 25, 2006, 07:48:01 AM

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Devious Viper

Inside the UFO subculture there are many mothers who believe they gave birth to a Human/Alien Hybrid child. Many legitimate psychologists, authors and experts in the UFO field have been seriously looking into this phenomenon. Medically unexplainable disappearances of embryos from the womb have intrigued doctors in every country. Within the UFO community, abductees and those who study this phenomenon believe it's all part of a Human Hybrid Program. These mothers have in many cases been shown their Hybrid children, and in a few rare cases, they have been allowed to keep them and raise them at home. Many of the mothers that had their children taken away by the aliens, continue to be traumatized. But there are some families living happily within our communities that are perfectly comfortable with the whole idea. Last weekend they celebrated Mother's Day just like any other mom.

ASI, Alien Secrets Investigations, a division of, received a cheerful email from one of the UFO abductees that is in contact with the group. She wanted to share the news about her son, who she strongly believes is an Indigo/ Hybrid, and was organizing a Mother's Day picnic with other children who he had met and believed they were either Indigo or Hybrid. These kids who are incredibly smart and seem to be connected in a unique way, have formed a club to share their experiences. Another mother, who wishes to be anonymous, sent an email sharing her belief, "If my son is a Hybrid, and I have reason to believe he is, there is nothing about him that is not Human. He is not green, he doesn't have antennas and he is like every kid on the block. Everyone on earth comes from a different genetic pool, we are all the same."

Soon to be released worldwide, is a film that deals with the Human/Hybrid subject. "Alien Secrets", directed by J.J. Barmettler, is on the surface an adventurous parody of a UFO Investigator's real life investigations. However, allot of the information about Hybrids revealed in the film is delivered by authentic experts in the UFO field and women who are certain they have been abducted by aliens. The producers of the film have created a movie that is lighthearted, fun and packed with information about Alien/Human/Hybrids. At the same time, they have taken great care in not to make fun of the actual people who share their life's experiences.

"Alien Secrets" is designed to introduce the general public to the hidden secrets kept inside the UFO underground. The general public might perceive it as a mockumentary, since most people will find it difficult to embrace the possibility, that there could be extraterrestrials, and will only value this information as a joke. But those who are in the know will see the film and recognize the truth.

A special edition of the film is available to the UFO underground and curious aficionados for a sneak peek glance, to let everyone in on the secret behind the secret. The Limited Edition DVD can be found at:


Devious Viper

Sorry, it used to. They've obviously changed it. Their site "home" is located here:


I had a video of a live hybrid child somewhere in China, but my comp went down, and Im having a real hard time trying to find that, pray for my bucket.


Excuse me while I take a moment to hide my snickering...

I just love that email quote.

QuoteIf my son is a Hybrid, and I have reason to believe he is, there is nothing about him that is not Human. He is not green, he doesn't have antennas and he is like every kid on the block. Everyone on earth comes from a different genetic pool, we are all the same.

Yet the common agreement of those in the UFO subculture is that the aliens, though humanoid, are substantially different than us, meaning that hybridization would show at least some of those traits. Plus, we as a race are certainly not "all the same." If that were the case, we wouldn't have the constant bigotry and hatred inspired by those that are different from us in physical appearance.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

Devious Viper

 :| I don't believe in aliens.  I'm open to discussion, though, and I do enjoy reading some of the articles.


I most certainly believe in aliens, or rather, that there is life elsewhere in the universe, not that little gray and/or green men are abducting backwoods hicks and putting probes up their behinds. Given the number of stars and accompanying planets, the chance of life on other worlds is pretty good, and the possibility of other intelligent life also exists.

I find the whole alien abduction subculture fascinating, but also a little sad as well...I especially despise those hypnotherapists that make people pay for "therapy" to uncover their "repressed" abduction memories. Well, I either despise them, or I'm simply jealous that I didn't think of it first.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei

Dark Lord M

Quote from: Devious Viper on August 16, 2006, 10:06:24 AM
:| I don't believe in aliens.  I'm open to discussion, though, and I do enjoy reading some of the articles.

So you believe in demons, angels, vampires and all other sorts of things and yet you don't believe in outer beings. In my book aliens are 100% more likely to exsist than anything here.

Of course, I don't believe in them mating with us, like sex. But I do think they could take some kind of sperm sample of ours or theirs and eject it into a female of their reace and ours to make a hybrid.

Devious Viper

I don't believe in vampires, either.

Just angels, fallen or otherwise. And why are aliens more likely than any other being? In fact, if the universe is infinite and life exists beyond earth, there should be an infinite number of alien races.

Yet the universe seems... strangely quiet...

Go figure.

Dark Lord M

I'm just saying we have no proof of anything, and yet scientist are sure that there is life out there much more intelegent then us.

Devious Viper

Scientists are sure, huh?

No they're not. You're making assumptions, M, and wildly uninformed ones at that.


DV, this would make the base of a good articles for alien/human hybrids in Monstropedia.

"If you dont' believe in aliens, you dont believe in gods"

Personal quote
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

Devious Viper

Quote from: Loki on September 04, 2006, 03:55:06 PM"If you dont' believe in aliens, you dont believe in gods"

Loki - Reminded me of this snippet:

The Bible-UFO connection
by Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

To this day, the UFO phenomenon continues to be a mystery that affects many of us in different ways. Nearly a thousand books and other publications have been written about the subject. Thousands of people of various races have claimed to have had encounters with UFOs. Movies and television shows have been made on this UFO enigma. Researches, too, based on the speculation that "we are not the only ones who exist in this vast universe" are being conducted. While all of these activities on UFOs are going on, Bible-believing Christians are mainly concerned to know what the Holy Bible say about UFOs.

The Holy Bible speaks of life being created in our planet earth. From the Biblical account, we see that earth and the people who inhabit earth are the center of G-d's attention as well as the subject of His plan of redemption. On our part, we are to focus our attention on G-d's greatness, glory and power. There is also nothing in the Holy Bible that says that life exists elsewhere. Considering too, that due to the great distances in space, any physical beings visiting earth would have to travel faster than the speed of light. In short there are some statistical improbabilities to support the view that life does not exist except here in planet earth.

Many modern-day ufologists believe that there are verses in the Holy bible to show that G-d is an alien from an advanced civilization. More specifically, they believe that there are the likes of flying saucers in the Bible which are just manifestations of G-d as an alien. On this subject, let me mention some of the Biblical verses which the ufologists refer to as manifestations of G-d as an alien. Including reports of hundreds of people who claimed to have seen flying saucers land in open fields; as well as testimonies of people who say that they have actually seen strange-looking people from outer space. All these documentations of ufologist have strengthened the theory that UFOs are real.

Here are some of the Biblical verses referred to by ufologists to strengthen their beliefs that there are aliens referred to in the Bible:

"When the L-RD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a WHIRLWIND," Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal, Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the L-RD has sent me to Bethel." (II Kings 2:1)

(Ufologists say that Elijah was "abducted" by aliens here. But from the words of the Bible it is very clear that our L-RD took him to heaven.)

"As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a CHARIOT OF FIRE AND HORSES OF FIRE appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. (II Kings 2:11)

(Some ufologists say that the chariot of fire and horses of fire are spacecrafts, a form of flying saucers. But there is nothing in the Biblical verses to indicate that G-d is manifesting Himself.)

"When the living creatures moved, the WHEELS beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the WHEELS also rose." (Exekiel 1:19)

(Exekiel is experiencing a vision of heavenly creatures. He is describing a scene in heaven. The wheels are not flying saucers. These are not unidentified flying objects. They are very identified. The phrase "wheel within a wheel" has long been used by many ufologists to refer to UFOs)

"Then John gave this testimony: "I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a DOVE and remain on him." (John 1:32)

(Many ufologists say that the dove here is really a flying saucer, that carried Jesus away. Bible-believing Christians however are one in saying that the dove is the Holy Spirit – which is just another manifestation of G-d.)

"By day the Lord went ahead of them IN A PILLAR OF CLOUD to guide them on their way and by night IN A PILLAR OF FIRE to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night." (Exodus 13:21)

(This Biblical verse has reference to the time when Moses led the Jews out of captivity from Egypt. Again, some ufologists believe that the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire are UFOs. Bible-believing Christians however do not agree with this belief of ufologists since the former believe that these are just more manifestations of G-d.)

Many of us forget that Satan is a great deceiver – and everyday which brings us closer to the "end times," Satan has to work double time. These UFO phenomenon which leads many of us to believe that we the human beings in this planet earth are being visited now and then by aliens is a very effective strategy of Satan to distract our attention from G-d. The UFO sightings, encounters and even abductions may be real and true. But who are UFOs? Are they angels? Are they manifestations of G-d? Or are they in reality demonic beings (who are spiritual beings like angels) who appear and disappear anytime? To confuse us. To distance us from God. To win our spiritual allegiance.


Quote from: Devious Viper on September 03, 2006, 07:19:49 AM
Yet the universe seems... strangely quiet...

Go figure.

Actually, the universe is quite loud. There are a number of celestial bodies that give off massive amounts of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves. Filtering out any sent signals through all that background noise could be a problem.

As for visiting traffic, the vast reaches of space are rather daunting for a Sunday drive. Even if light speed travel were possible, it would take four years to cross the distance between Alpha Centauri, the next closest system, and our own.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei


Well, to some, aliens are much more common than demons and angels. And if one does not believe, there are many that not only believe, but know some facts.
About the Bible: How can you say for sure "Yap, that was G-d that took someone to heavens" and be soooo sure there was no other possible explanation for that? How on earth do you think you would recognize G-d if he came to you? What? Trumpets, or the choir of angels or bright light? If anybody does a research about that particular matter, they would find a strange ... simmilarity in
1. being visited by angels
2. being visited by a high council of Universe

If you take that the only thing truth about everything is only what YOU like it to be...well, my guess is that youll get very dissapointed one day. Really dissapointed.

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