
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Started by Amaya, February 17, 2009, 04:00:11 PM

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About two years ago, my boyfriend got me a set of gems as a gift. It came with a small booklet on the history and uses of the gems. I was curious so I did a little more browsing on the internet, but quickly forgot it.

Earlier this year, it was brought up again when I was talking with a classmate. She had a quartz key chain on her purse. I asked her about it and had a short conversation with her. She talked about desiring to magically charge it but being too lazy.

I did a little more research and found that some people believe that certain gems hold natural magical properties and almost every gem can be magically charged in some way. There were a few good sites about specific gems but most of the sites were either too vague or junk. I was wondering if anybody knew more information about this. Does anybody have experience with this?

This is just so interesting to me. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



They're also called crystals.  I bought a couple from the local Psychic store when I had that manifestation problem (it was a giant mosquito-like insect on my chest, if anyone's curious.  It's still there, but got much smaller after I figured out what it was).  To use them you have to decharge/purify them, and then channel energy into them.  From what I understand, they take the enrgy you put in and sort of "convert" it, changing it's shape and frequency and all that to make the energy useful for a specific purpose.  I'm not sure on how effective it is, or if it's even "for real", and it may well simply be the symbolism effect.  The one's I know off the top of my head are Malachite, which is supposed to bring prosperity/riches; Jet, which is supposed to ward off malicious threats; and amethyst, which is for contemplation.
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


Thank you both very much for the information. I have done some reading, researching and inventorying during the past hour. Most of the gemstones I have are different types of agate. The three I'm curious about are the Blue Lace Agate (I heard it can relieve stress, which I have a particularly difficult time at relieving), the Green Tree Agate (I can't find a lot on this one, it's a little mysterious to me), and the rose quartz (from my research about a year ago, I heard that quartz is kind of like a wild card among gems, it can do almost anything, I'm a little curious about any quartz in general).

The information provided so far is wonderful. I'm glad someone here is knowledgeable about the subject. Also, if anyone else has questions about gems, crystals, or minerals, feel free to contribute.  :-D


Teteolan, perhaps you should post them all here, then we can have a stickied discussion on crystals/gems.  Then again, this might be better in the Magic section, as this falls more under that category...
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


Quote from: TeteoInan on February 17, 2009, 06:57:57 PM
Quote from: SherlawkDragon on February 17, 2009, 06:50:26 PM
Teteolan, perhaps you should post them all here, then we can have a stickied discussion on crystals/gems.  Then again, this might be better in the Magic section, as this falls more under that category...

Hehe, it's not my thread to really decide.  I'm just helping whoever needs this, out. ^_^
Go right ahead. You guys should know I'd be more than happy to have my threads blossom into a place for knowledge to be shared. :lol:
And it technically is on topic. That's kinda what I wanted out of this thread.

SherlawkDragon is right may need to be moved to fit better. Can anybody do that?


Amaya, Green Tree Agate is worn to improve eye health & it is believed that a woman who drinks water used to wash this particular stone will be protected from sterility. It is also a talisam for gardner or worn to relieve muscle tension. Your classmate can charge her quartz simply by leaving it on a window where the moonlight will reach it for one full moon cycle.


Quote from: TeteoInan on February 18, 2009, 08:39:37 AM
The next I see a Mod on, I can ask them.

Is there anything else in particular you're curious about Amaya?
Nah, I'm good for now. Any random information you have is good.

Quote from: Countess on February 18, 2009, 02:35:43 PM
Amaya, Green Tree Agate is worn to improve eye health & it is believed that a woman who drinks water used to wash this particular stone will be protected from sterility. It is also a talisam for gardner or worn to relieve muscle tension. Your classmate can charge her quartz simply by leaving it on a window where the moonlight will reach it for one full moon cycle.
Thank you for the information, Countess. That helps a lot.


I think you will find this site very helpful.

Certianly if you have a certian stone in mind
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.

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