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A Question About The Guardians

Started by Ronin Lore, March 17, 2010, 01:03:48 AM

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Ronin Lore

 A friend of mine was being tormented, in her sleep, by an entity.  A wizard she knew gave her a ritual to perform, which called the four guardians to her room. On the up side, she no longer has problems with the entity. On the other, the guardians are now on permanent station in her room. My question is, can the guardians be used in such a manner?
...On The Wings Of Life, By The Hands of hope,....

Ronin Lore

Thank you, I had not concitered creating guardians. From what she had told me, it sounded like she had called them in.
...On The Wings Of Life, By The Hands of hope,....


Well the way I see it, magic doesn't exactly always work the way you think it would, but has the same results. Say you believe a guardian angel will come to watch over you, maybe you're actually making one up yourself. So whether she called them in or not doesn't really matter, as long as her will was channeled into getting the results she wanted. It's kinda like making a wish, you know? You'll get what you want, but not always in the way you expect. As in, you can wish for immortality, but chances are you'll probably turn into a tree or a rock or even just die... (Mother nature loves semantics.)

In this case, I think it would work the same and I'd call it a safe bet to say Lady's probably right. She might have created those fours entities herself, without realizing it, when she did that ritual. If that's the case, though, wouldn't it be easy to just... Remove them with another ritual?

P.S. I'm curious as to what those four guardians are. I only know of the four Chinese legendary guardians, the white tiger, black tortoise, azure dragon and vermilion bird. Could those be the ones you're talking about?
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Still kind of off-topic: Same thing with the Chinese guardians; they symbolize the four cardinal directions. There must be different interpretations for different cultures, but in the end, they should work the same, right? It would be convenient; if she wants to get rid of 'em and can't find a western ritual, she could always see if there's a way to "undo" such a summon in eastern cultures. (Also, hurray for subtly relating things to the main subject.)
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


thank them for their service and RESPECTFULLY dismiss them so that they are free to go back wherever they came from. i cannot stress enough the importance of having respect for these kinds of entities. they're not bad, but they are known to take offense easily and will retaliate even if it was an accident and you apologize (it won't be as bad as insulting them on purpose, but it's still not pleasant.).

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