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Sealed spells?

Started by KubeSix, February 03, 2010, 12:38:47 PM

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so wait... chaos magick is just doing things based on feeling with little or no training?


Chaos magick, the way I've come to see it is not abiding to a single way of belief, kind of like hermetics would do. More like using various things from various schools to get what you want, keeping in mind that the meaning the things carry or their origins matter little if you can still put your all into it. Example: those people who call themselves Jedi and use the Force as a medium to channel their magic (not talking about the delusional fanboys)
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


sweet! i'm a chaos mage! i don't give a flying fran drescher about belief or cultural continuity!  :-D


so..... what is a fran drescher anyway? :-D
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


only the most vile beast ever to walk the earth.
be warned. this may be disturbing.

Arcane Artifice

As weird (and possibly stupid) as this will sound, is it possible to transfer spells say onto a blank deck of cards, or onto a handmade deck. Would this add a more personal connection to the spell considering you made the medium? I say that because cards are portable and I have a deep infatuation with them (hence why I enjoy Tarot and other things that involve cards), however back to the subject.

If I did possibly transfer spells or my own spells onto this medium(s) would an activation key be required or would it simply be a matter of willpower? I'm not exactly sure if this was already explained so my apologies if I'm repeating a question.


What Arcane Artifice is asking is: is it possible to put spells into cards. Even if the cards have a set purpose such as tarot. This is indeed tied to this topic since you have to seal them into the cards. If you have a personal connection with the cards that connection will strengthen anything you attempt with the cards. Since you have that personal connection you are more attached to these cards. More so then a random piece of parchment.

I would also take into account what the cards are made out of. As well as any ink on them. There is metallic paint you can use if you like to make your own image on blank ones. (The metallic components in the paint can be an amplifier and other things)

But this whole topic is discussing whether or not sealing the spells is possible. We are still figuring out  how that works.

I do believe that if there is energy in the cards for the spell then the seal has to be infused with energy too. Kinda like magnets repel each other if on same poles. It is also like it takes a ghost to punch a ghost. You need energy to mess with energy.
You can still draw whatever seal you want but put some energy into it.

As for the evocation of the spells well that is still being debated. Everything I stated is from me so it may be found wrong or right. But this is an opinion, use it as a starting point.

Also I like your name and welcome to monstrous.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.

Arcane Artifice

Thank you very much that helped quite a bit and I'm honored to be here.


as far as putting energy into premade cards i would only venture to say that it would be best if you evoked some kind of demi imp or summon a angel of the specific card at hand to either inhabit or bless the card specifically or bless it with symbols relasting to the car but i think that altering each card in some way would allow you to better ibide it with power or even better make a set of cards with sealing magick within them the whole purpose.
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

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